
Gimme Money Idol Exchanger!!!

Am I the only one who didn't really care for the Prime games at all? Cautiously optimistic about other M, but I'm actually a bit concerned that it will be too Prime-y. I'd rather have a sharp left turn at this point if I can't have a sidescroller

More 2d than 3d please.

@Tossy: The end of the guy's manifesto reads:

$10? Goldeneye levels? 60fps? Online multiplayer? Either Perfect Dark is too good to be true or it'll be the thing that finally gets me to pick up a gold membership again. Regardless, day one purchase.

@getlefty: I'm giggling thinking of all the people who think you're talking about a racial slur in the game's dialogue...

Where's the Dunkin Donuts cereal? Surely that stuff has lasted until now edibly.

Seeing as how I can only afford one game console (I can't be alone on that) I can't imagine getting too upset about a graphical difference in any game. Just glad to get a chance to play it. That is, if it's good...

All I have to say is that I prefer the way Harmonix does charts and (DRASTICALLY) prefer their taste in music and just hope they get to continue to make music games, no matter who publishes them

Yeah, I can't wait to see what kind of stuff disappears from the Game Room once Atari finally goes under

The moral of this story is that the phrase "Sonic Team" now means about as much as the phrase "Blast Processing". How appropriate

@Letiumtide: @neogeocdz: By that I actually did mean a Chrono Trigger sequel. Maybe if the DS one sold well enough...

16-bit is indeed where it's at. Somebody needs to tell Square-Enix that too

So the entire music/rhythm game bubble is bursting all at once? This is sad, even though it certainly follows the usual pattern of how peripherals for game systems end up.

I wholeheartedly agree, and in a lot of cases almost never buy games that are updated annually simply because there might be a new one by the time I get around to playing it

Violence isn't natural? I think the jungle would like to have a word with you...

As on the fence as I am about "American Dad", it has proven to me that Mr. Stewart is one of the funniest people alive.

Time to get a bunch of catapults ready to distract my friends while I steal their nuclear missile plans. NOBODY's gonna make it to the moon!!

@Techno-Atom: Wasn't Perfect Dark Zero on like 3 different systems? Too Human also? Insanity

How long is it gonna be before the development period of an RPG is longer than a console lifespan? "Final Fantasy XV was developed on the PS3 and 4 before being released on PS5!"