
Yeah, when I first bought my 360 I was all up on buying all the XBLA games. Then when I started considering their policies, and how very little gets discounted, and how you can't sell/trade/lend games that you paid full price for, and most importantly how someday my 360 might (will) break past its warranty period and

Gonna say my favorites are (in no particular order)...

I'm gonna seek out more arcades. I live in GA which is an arcade wasteland but Tennessee and Florida are great for that.

Want online Tokyo Wars! ENEMY TANK TO THE REAR

What actor isn't did game voice work?

Oh, and I almost forgot, I was incredibly disappointed by the final boss/ending of Shadow Complex. As well as all the other bosses in it. Somebody needs to tell the devs that a BIG part of what made Super Metroid/Castlevania great was GREAT BOSS BATTLES

I thought Ghostbusters would've been fine if it was any good at telling you where you needed to go/what you needed to do. I ended up getting about 2 hrs into the story during the rental period and after that I just threw my hands up. Radars are awesome, people.

I'm planning on playing through Super Mario Bros 1-3 just because I haven't for awhile. I keep dying on 5-4 in the first one though.

Got rid of cable years ago, sold my TV last year. I play video games and watch movies on my 20' 1080p computer monitor. Bliss.

I enjoyed...well...most of the first mercenaries...but seriously.....unpolished major-label game developer, thy name is (was) Pandemic

Could be a Wolf Man in a Sheep Man's clothing...

@Friedhamster: 3-d was barely viable in those days, but novel enough to be considered a selling point, so..... (for my money, the Dreamcast was the first system to really do it right)

Nothing should have annual sequels. If they're sports games, make the updated rosters downloadable. Take your time and make a good game. We've all got plenty to play until you get it right.

Yeah, I thought Tony Hawk: Shark was better than the next few games as well. Am I the only one baffled by how THPS 3 is the lowest rated of the first 4 games?

I wouldn't have even clicked on this if not for the sentence "Jerry Bruckheimer Presents: Burnout" Looks cool

Yeah...I got Crackdown used for like $3.00 last year. Sure, it was just a disc and didn't come with a box...but the on-demand version doesn't come with a box either...

I might buy it if Sega made a Top Skater port that worked with the board. But probably not.

@Cpryd001: @Parapraxis: Fair enough, but neither of those have DS equivalents...