
I mean, who really likes watching others play games anyway? (Except MAYBE Grand Theft Auto games when they're fresh and new)

True $50 a year isn't much, but MS keeps finding ways to embarrass themselves.

I still play Final Fight now and then, it's aged remarkably well. Oh, and Marvel vs Capcom 2 wasn't completely overhauled.

This game is awesome, will be nice to get it at home since just about every arcade machine I've played it on has had some hardware problem

I've never played any MMO because I already spend too much time on regular games. Also, I like my RPG's a bit scripted.

Tokyo Wars and similar games FTW

I want a 2d Metroid and that's it. I wish I had the strength to boycott the 3d ones. But I don't. #metroid

This makes me so happy. I like knocking people down and screwing with them to make them mad so much more than killing them. #bully

@Techno-Atom: Even perfect genuine versions of those games aren't worth much more than $1000. $6000 should get you any arcade or pinball game on earth. #retro

They say there is no such thing as bad publicity, but now that I know there are 3 No Doubt songs in Band Hero, I'm less interested than ever. #bandhero

Um, if you play this game, is it going to lead to you abusing elephants? people can't get to elephants that easily. Much easier to buy a gun.

If it works with Korg DS-10, SOLD. I'm sure that it doesn't. Synth beats piano

It would certainly help sell me some. At all. #wiiware