Hoosier Mike

Jason I think we as car enthusiasts often miss the point of the crossover boom. Average drivers want a comfortable step-in height, a convenient hatch-style rear opening, good ground clearance, and a commanding view of the road. You get none of that in a sedan. What they lose, better handling and performance, really

That clutch animation is quite engaging.

MSRP is 45k for a NEW one which will have a warranty and wont have the same cooling and safety issues this one does.

Where is this going to go besides cars and coffee? Come on.

$10k motor and at best $10k truck do not =$52k, I’m willing to throw $10k in for labor costs and that still leaves $20k for

From asking “which is the most satisfying car part to bite?” (4 year old me would tell you it was the top of the rear vinyl door panel of our Volvo 144... yes, chunks were bitten out) to linking ANYTHING by the Surgarcubes, you are killing it Torch. They were the favorite band of 17 year old me...besides The Cure,

Saw them back in the old days at the Oakland Coliseum. This was the line up -

Now playing

Always liked the Sugarcubes. Especially Hit.

Nice, was waiting to see if anyone was over 40 reading this :)

I haven’t seen a single fucking reason she should have even been nominated

This is exactly why the right is constantly talking about paid trolls and paid protesters. Because they do it!

And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?

It’s a better story to try to fix it than to just sell it.

On the election of Herr Drumph a friend of mine who is a city LEO told me he will sooner climb into the cattle car himself than put others there. We have Allies in all places. These people have sworn allegiance to the Constitution and some number of their ranks have true integrity. When the battle lines are drawn

You can’t see it from this video, but the police are shoving the protesters down a set of escalators immediately after pepper-spraying them. Horrendous, potentially deadly behavior from King County cops.

Let me just throw this out there. There are a lot of us in blue who don’t like what we are seeing and I did not vote for this clown. Sometimes, hard times and experiences make us stronger if we approach it the right way and find the positive.

Holy hell the guy in the pink shirt. That cop basically just threw a haymaker without a full fist. I am floored. At least it was caught on camera?

been there done that - the cops hate this tactic - but they have no legal recourse against it. Makes them impotent and we all know how hopped up on authority, riods and a man with a gun they are 

The Pig fucker mugged his face a few times cause he was scared. So he pushed protestor’s face back but it wasn’t strong enough to push away and protestorface just shook off the baby punches.

In DC today a Capitol Police Officer was shrieking at a guy for crossing a small area of grass to get to his car rather than staying on the sidewalk. The guy just stopped and looked around, not understanding wtf he had done and the officer just continued to scream at him. A few seconds later my dog peed on the grass