Hoosier Mike

When they came for the trades unionists...

I’m 1,000x more afraid of being killed in a road rage incident by a Trump supporter with a handgun than I am about being harmed by a Muslim from another country.

...I was disappointed to see Theresa May, our unelected Prime Minister refuse to condemn this policy...

All of this is a load of flaming horseshit. All of these muslim majority country’s citizens banned except for Saudi Arabia. You know, that country that still doesn’t allow women to drive and continually uses slave labor to build big useless skycrapers that stay 90% empty most of the time? That country that 15 of it’s

Dude, stop. Comparing Lex Luthor to Donald Trump is completely inappropriate.

Not surprising taxi workers are protesting this, I imagine they have lots of representation from the list of countries on the EO. Good on them.

If I squint hard enough I can almost see the justification for this...then I remember none of the countries that the 9/11 hijackers were from are part of the ban. And Dear

“Why didn’t you call the police?”

Amazing that he knew he was being recorded and still didn’t care. Nothing new, but still astonishing to see how easy it is for some cops to abuse their authority without a care in the world.

Token always has an expiration date.

There are no plans, just rhetoric.

The rest of the world is building high speed rail as fast as they can, but I guess it’s just another one of those things that is just too damn liberal for the U.S.

Here’s the issue with Amtrak - it’s not reliable. The freight railroads to whom it’s beholden (outside of DC-NY-Boston corridor) don’t give a shit about a passenger train. Delays are constant and endemic. We’re going to spend more protecting Trump’s orange ass in a year than we’ll spend on Amtrak.

You mean, like roads? Should all of our highways have tolls on them?

The Acela is actually profitable for Amtrak, and several other urban routes break even or come close. Where Amtrak loses a ton of money is on the long and slow cross country routes. Those could be cut without much negative effect, but they won’t be as they are protected by Senators from the big empty states.

I love the dodge of saying, “well it didn’t originate here, the state made us do it”. How easy is it going to be for fascism to take this country?

When I mention that when I was growing up (until 2000!) VA celebrated Lee/Jackson/King Day, no one believes me (and a lot of people ask who Lee Jackson was).

Oh. For real? Great American’s Day? Between this and Trump disrepecting John Lewis on Twitter, I have got a full day of teaching to do. Here I thought I could enjoy my day off but America continues to demonstrate it needs to be schooled.

This is how you keep your meat-shield impact zone distracted.

Dat ass!