Blissfully Ignorant

While I agree with the reviewer that they don't really seem to be moving forward very much this season, this episode had more laughs per minute for me than any other episode thus far. That's all I need. Every character had at least one great moment tonight.

Never been a big fan of Jim Gaffigan the comic, but I've always liked Jim Gaffigan the man. This just reinforces that belief. I wish he and his wife and family all the best.

"Jared, have you been crying?"

His screaming/screeching in the warehouse was equally fantastic. In a stacked cast of characters and the actors that play them, Jared/Donald/Zach Woods is probably my favorite. I hope we learn a little more of his backstory this season beyond all the cryptic and disturbing references.

Seems reasonable enough.

It's probably the funniest movie I've seen in the last couple of years. There were a more than few scenes that had me and my friends howling. It's worth watching for the autograph scene alone!

Trust me, Tijuana is very dangerous and way overrated.

I'm not certain which season it was, but the "Tabs vs. Spaces" debate went completely over my head. I later figured it out - thank you commentariat - but that's a great example of not only writing a joke, but having an entire episode arc that could very well sail right past us lay people, while 90% of the other jokes

Not strong enough?

I had a roommate and another buddy years ago who used to watch it daily like it held the answers to all of life's most pressing questions. Bonus: Every time it would end, they'd talk in really shitty Irish accents for the next hour or so. The movie, and their terrible intonations, made my skin crawl.

Congrats to you. You seem to be very perceptive.

God I hated Boondock Saints.

If it's a thing you can even do, I just hate-read this article.

Gahhh!!! It's not pop, it's SODA. Bastards

Oh man, I almost signed up for twitter solely so I could follow someone who goes by the handle "dogboner". I feel like nothing bad could possibly happen from that decision.

They caught that one opening weekend. Not sure how I feel about going to see it myself anyways. The animated movie was nearly perfect. I can't imagine they really improved upon it.

I steeled myself for the worst, and was pleasantly surprised. Not saying I'd pay to see it again, but it doesn't quite deserve all the hate it's getting from the commentariat. However, there was a slightly alarming amount of animated bare baby ass. The Long Island Iced Tea joke really made me laugh though.

I'm having my nieces over this weekend and asked them if they'd like to go see a movie. Told them we could see whatever they wanted to see. They didn't skip a beat and insisted we go see Boss Baby. So it's been decided. Wish me luck.

Right, and then Allen ended up with LeBron on one of those teams & he had that amazing, game 6 3-point buzzer beater against the Spurs. Ice water runs through that dude's veins.

Oh, they definitely weren't as cool as those guys. Rasheed was cooler than the "Big 3" combined all by himself. But they were ballers. And Garnett in particular is a fucking beast.