Blissfully Ignorant

If nothing else, I believe they were credited with bringing the whole "Big 3" thing back into popularity. Now it seems like nearly every team tries to have their own version. Also, they were pretty fucking badass. And I'm no Celtics fan.

This really is fascinating to me, yet I can't quite articulate just exactly why.

That level is controller-destroying frustrating. I'm actually feeling rage about it right now as I'm typing this. Thanks a lot asshole, I was having a good night up until now!

"Cause here me and KG come naked, Out of the side-hatch, With the oils and perfume and incense!"

I'm in agreement with you. The way the interview was done is probably more the problem than anything.

For the record, it's entirely possible that I'm not that fun to hang out with either. I'm kind of biased though, so I can't really say.

No doubt he seems frustrated by the Buffy questions, and I totally understand why. But he agreed to do the interview, and then seems kind of standoffish. You're absolutely right that the format may be more the problem than anything though. It may all sound completely different in the context of a conversation versus a

He kind of comes across as an a-hole. Maybe I'm misreading it, but I don't think he seems like he'd be very fun to hang out with.

As uncool as it might make me sound, I just can't hate on Bruno Mars. I really want to, but I can't. He's got legitimate talent. I get the arguement that he's basically recycling other, better artists' acts, but I dig a lot of what I hear even if it's not cool to admit it. Wouldn't say he's a favorite by a longshot,

There's just something sentimental about standing and looking at rows and rows of games under harsh fluorescent lights, studying the back cover of each one, and hoping you chose a good one. And being really glad you're only renting it if you didn't.

Sorry to hear that Mac, that really sucks. Sounds like you'll be sending him off in an appropriate way though; not everyone hangs out and plays DD4, so I'm sure it's a personal thing for you guys. Enjoy your beers and your games with ppl you love. Have a good cry and then try to have an even better laugh if you can.

Funny you mentioned playing the game on easy as I've adopted that as my new strategy to playing video games now that I've gotten older and don't have as much time to really delve in like I once did.

We still have this thing called a video store in my small, midwestern town and I'm pretty sure they rent Wii U games. Going to make a trip there today and see what all they have. It's like 1990's all over again!

Totally will! I've wondered outside of the Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, and God of War series what some other great fast paced, combo based games out there are. I just love how quick and precise the fighting system is in Bayonetta. At first, it seems like button mashing will be the order of the day, but it's

Ok, been waiting all week for this feature. I just played through Bayonetta for my first time on the Xbox 360, and holy crap, man! Ridiculous, near-incomprehensible story and hyper-sexulization aside, it's really blew me away (see what I did there, huh? DID YOU??)

Applesauce. Bitch.

So there is hope for the youth of America.

Glad I scrolled down some before I made that comment.

I would like to buy that upstanding young man a beer.

Curiously, even fish that get caught come right back to the hook.