Blissfully Ignorant

Or on acid or mushrooms. Then it doesn't really matter that it makes no sense. You just sit back and enjoy all the pretty colors…

But he only exists ON the tv. None of this is really real. Is it? Guys…. Anyone…

……..('(…´…´…. ¯~/'….')
…………\………. _.·´ /

Zach Woods not getting a nomination invalidates this entire list. And say what you want about TJ Miller, but he sells the fuck outta Erlich Bachman. I honestly can't imagine another actor playing him with the same kind of unearned bluster and overall jackass-ness as Mr. Miller did consistently every single week.

I thought he was really good in Romeo + Juliet, which would lend credence to your claim that he has "the stench of theater all over him". Doesn't get much more theater than Shakespeare.

And according to Google, this man has a net worth of $15million


Seriously, who the f**k goes to Hermosa Beach on purpose? Especially on the 4th?!? I mean, other than these fine gentleman of course.

The Gooch does NOT like being lied to. Especially when dressed as a nun.

Is there a male video-game equivalent to the crazy cat lady? If so, that's me. I'm constantly buying games even if I barely play them. I mean, I definitely play when I get the chance, but I don't play nearly enough to really justify how often I spend my money on the damn things.

Minecart will forever be a trigger word for me thanks to that game.

And then he'll promptly start breakdance fighting.

That settles it then!

I also really love his pronunciation of the great city of "Than-fran-thithco".

God Bless Jian-Yang.

Agree. Amanda Crews has done great with what little she's been given all series long. She had a little more shine tonight, but I'd love to see them build an actual, living, breathing character out of Monica. I think she's proven she can hang with the boys. Also, she's insanely pretty, so I'll support any more screen

And that's what's really important here.


Anyone have any theories on what Jared's backstory really is? Because I've got nothing. It just gets weirder and weirder.

His yipping after the blood transfusion was also great. They've gotten some good mileage out of shouting this year.