Actually just the opposite. The contrarian point of view (which I am not taking with that comment) usually gets more clicks when the opposite is true.
Actually just the opposite. The contrarian point of view (which I am not taking with that comment) usually gets more clicks when the opposite is true.
I wasn’t aware that Obama was planning on tanking the economy so hard in the next two months.
I wonder if we shouldn’t be talking more about what an asshole John Dickerson is, for letting this ridiculous claim go unchallenged. Or CBS News as a general collection of assholes for having a social media team tweet this out as an unchallenged quote:
He’s just added the Jaguars to his repertoire. Gotta have multiple irons in the fire, you know?
Hey, think of the up side. You will get more clicks ranting about the Trump administration than you ever did ranting during Obama. And you’ve always got squats and yogurt rants as a sideline.
Madden glitch or soccer style dive - I can’t decide.
Sad to see that the Packers have been so decimated by injuries that they are now resorting to signing lacrosse players.
I was not expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
Deer often walk away from getting hit by cars under their own power and then die of internal injuries in the woods later. Does anyone know where he wandered of to???
What does the internet got to do with this?
Here’s the secret part - those true to the faith set up at the 33 and 1/3 yard mark.
Thanks! That 330 lb man is routinely able to run over much much larger humans than the sound guy. So if he was dead, I would’ve laughed slightly less.
Can we remember some kickers?
I was at the game and he walked off under his own power.
Little known historical tidbit. The Catholic church invented the 33-yard kick to be used against accused heretic kickers during the Spanish Inquisition.
And he probably rubbed some fake snow on it and went back to do his job ... UNLIKE LEBUM JAMES.
Oof. Too bad he wasn’t a sight guy.
What is it with deer, rabbits, and sound guys? They wait till you are right there, and then they leap out in front of you.
That’s not the sound guy, that’s just Sam Bradford doing his typical pre-game warm up.
Relax everyone, this has no effect on my fantasy team.