
Canabalt HD on android is legit. It doesn't exist on iOS, though.

Those weren't real ads. They were added for "flavor," and tied into the game universe. They were amusing.

No intention? They have already experimented with it. WipeOut on PS3 implemented something similar.

See, nonsense like this is why I tend to keep my console offline unless I am actively downloading something. Ugh.

This would probably be okay if this was via iPad app/Newsstand Magazine instead of a browser. Who wants to read a magazine via a browser? Also, I try not to bring my iPad into the bathroom. Magazines were made for sitting on the crapper.

I agree that keeping the game from being manipulated is important.

"I don't know about you, but I am pretty forgetful."

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It's an 11 inch screen.

Heh. You said "butt."

Just sold my MacBook Air in anticipation of new machines in the next few months. Not sure if I will pick up Diablo III or not. I enjoyed the first two a bit, and Torchlight as well, but I tend to play these sorts of games for a couple weeks and then never again.

You DEFINITELY don't want to buy a new MBA right now. It has been a little less than a year since the last MBA update. New revisions should be right around the corner.

Okay. While I don't disagree with the sentiment — one device that does all is the dream — your attitude and sense of entitlement destroy your argument. "Because I want it! You're stupid!" isn't going to win anyone over.

You know, if we could burn our own shit for fuel, there would be tremendous cost savings!

Yes, but that time could just as easily go toward some thing else. Anything else. Those are literally dead minutes, if you sit in front of the tv for them.

See, this is why I just rip my movies as soon as I buy them, copy the ripped video to a media server, and then thow the DVD/Blu-Ray in a box. Because these unskippable warnings, plus unskippable trailers (or, at least, trailers you must manually ffwd/track skip), plus obnoxiously long dvd menu intros mean a ton of

I think you know he has a thing for butt stuff.

Oh, my mistake. Here I was thinking that the ending of a story was the resolution, not the climax. Silly me. I guess I'm the only person on the Internet who paid attention in third grade.

I bet he wishes he could Tina Turn-er the clocks back on this one.

"What do you mean, 'You people?'"