
Was that The Doctor?

Swindling people is only a crime when you aren't worth millions.

At this point, he's trolling. And whoever suggested Dark Souls to a non-gamer is an idiot.

I've had to condition myself to ignore messaging until I feel like addressing it. But, to be fair, how is getting a message any less distracting than a phone call or a knock at the door? That's how the non-savvy get hold of me, and no e-reader, or even physical book, is going to stop that.

A Blu-Ray is around 12 gigs an hour. h.264 can get big if you let it.

But gaming can't ever fully go mainstream until a single standard is met. It's why CDs and DVDs were so successful. Imagine having to own a separate player for every studio! That's what we have now. What if different regions of the country had different TV or Radio standards?

Could this be the beginning of the "single console standard" that people like Denis Dyack have been wanting for so long? I am mostly-for such a concept.

Jeebus H Kerrist. That video is so over-the-top, it's comical. And there are only 8 of these things being made? With a run that limited, and a price estimated to be almost a third of a million dollars, If I ever shake the hand of someone wearing one of these, I'll know I'm dealing with a jackass.

Yeah, not really. There are a few games that have Castlevania-esque features, but the closest you'll get is probably the iPad port of Aquaria.

Blah blah blah Obama blah blah liberals blah blahs Soros.

You're right, sometimes government isn't pretty. That doesn't mean we need to try and make it worse, or even worse, applaud government corruption. I've never understood the need people have to worship assholes. You do realize they're assholes, right? Or did you just skip all the stuff where they use this information

This is why I hung onto my 160 GB iPod Classic, even after Google added streaming via Android's Music app. Also; Google Music transcodes everything to 320kbps MP3, so there's a bit of quality loss there.

$10 for me. I usually pay that or $15, depending on how much fun money is left in my budget.

Switch to an SSD. Seriously. I know, that seems like an expensive and foolish proposition, but Lion runs fantastically on my i7 Macbook Air. Full Screen swiping between apps is a lifesaver when I remote in to multiple machines or virtualize other operating systems.

"The patent goes on to suggest that devices could monitor factors like ambient light, as well as the position of the user's eyes, to generate dynamic shadows on their screens. Those shadows could be used to either make the entire display more clear, or even to spotlight what the users is looking at or add perspective

The burden of knowledge is indeed a heavy one.

Pretty much, yeah.

Universal RAW is kind of an oxymoron. It is a hassle, but RAW is the way it is for a reason. A better solution would be a new image format that retains RAW's data and quality, which your camera can auto-convert to.