
Fans? Since when have fans meant anything? It's the Nielsen families they're watching. One idiot counts for more than 4,000 viewers. People who watch on Hulu don't count. At all. iTunes doesn't TECHNICALLY count, although its huge sales on the iTunes Store supposedly kept it on the air.

Leonard = E. Honda? Or maybe Fat Neil?

They'll finish the season, but they haven't announced a new one. :(

Ha! Blanka totally got Chang'd. Perfect.

Aaaand now I've got Kilik's theme from SC stuck in my head. Thanks.

You know what really galls me about that comment? Not the animals thing, which surely could have been taken out of context, but that he claims he manages them all and it gives him a headache. This is something I really dislike about upper-management types. They act as if they stay up nights and work through every

That's a piss-poor excuse that totally misses the point. There has been criticism of he re-editing of the films since the first rerelease in 1998, and yet he continued to chop them up. Instead of listening to his customers, he did whatever he wanted, and now he's got to live with the fact that he alienated his

One of my favorite lines from Community is "You're the AT&T of people," and that really says it all.

UltraViolet sucks. It's funny, because Steve Jobs called Blu-Ray a bag of hurt thanks to its DRM. But all the wacky restrictions and loopholes it takes to stream a movie via Flixter — Flixter, of all apps — is truly a sight to behold.

It's amazing how many people simply cannot fathom the concept of being wrong. Ever. Honestly, I don't know how the human race made it this far.

It's funny. I was looking to buy a BD or DVD burner for my MacBook Air. Not that I burn much — I'd use it more for making images of software discs at work — but having the option would be nice.

As we've seen time and time again, CEOs will never pass on an opportunity to cut off their nose to spite their face.

Two months isn't long enough for adoption of this new OS to spread. I'd wager that at least 50% of the Android phones out there can't even run ICS. Not by model, mind you, but actual physical handsets out there. Just as the original iPhone can't run iOS 5, older Android phones won't be able to run ICS. Add to this the

Like the author, I was into anime in the 90's. Indeed, into the mid-aughts, I enjoyed both professional releases and fansubs. Most professional releases were older, particularly shows on Cartoon Network or shows that were available as box sets. Most fansubs I watched were newer; the early days of Naruto and Eden of

Yeah. And adding a leap week on random years is so much better.

Sadly, I think I will be going back to AT&T. I left them back in 2004, when their unlimited GPRS data was $60/month, and T-Mobile's was $5 or $10.

How is my version hyperbolic? It is a thing that actually happens and is not exaggerated in any way. It would cost them MORE than paying online, and yet doesn't have the $2 fee. I worked twenty feet away from a T-Mobile kiosk in a mall and saw plenty of people walk up and pay their bill.

"Why is everyone bashing him? He thought she was hot and went for it."

The question I have for this woman is why did she hang around for an hour? She could have simply said, "This is making me uncomfortable so I'll excuse myself before it goes too far..."

"It in fact does not cost them less."