
But I need someone to do all my thinking for me!

Spot-on. For now, the best way to watch a movie is Blu-Ray. For some movies, the enhanced picture and audio might not be that big of a deal, sure. I've seen The Man from Earth on Netflix Streaming, DVD, and Blu-Ray, and there was very little difference. On the flip side: Captain America? Noticeable differences. Bolder

This is an article about Blu-Ray being of higher quality than streaming, not the limitations of DVD video. A streaming video MIGHT be able to outperform DVD, assuming you have a decent connection.

Don't they start to reset some of the variables after a period of time? Sometimes, this would actually make sense. If I knock over a goblet in a store, is the shopkeeper really going to leave it on the floor for the rest of his life?

Although the producer obviously has a right to complain, embargoes are a huge hassle. They can prevent timely reviews from being published, and they are largely done to prevent people from finding out about a shit product. Good reviews build hype, and it shouldn't be the place of a marketing department to dictate a

That crept up on me, and it was FANTASTIC.

I was really hoping to make a Tyrion Lannister joke. Disappointing.

I used to have a boss who loved House. He'd always say that true geniuses are hard to deal with and unconventional.

$119.99 for 32 GB! What a fantastic deal!

I have a big love-hate-love thing going with Skyrim. Mostly love. But many of these points are valid.

Yes, but many executives(or at least, many of the vocal, public ones) think they ARE putting out a good product, whether that is true or not. For all the praise people heap upon them, executives seem incapable of being objective about their product.

Look, if it is a once in a while thing, it isn't an issue. My grandmother wanted me at her house every weekend to read her email to her and type the responses. That isn't tech support. It's secretarial work on my day off.

After eight years of "teaching" my grandmother to check her email (in actuality, it was "reading it to her and typing the responses"), I finally snapped. You see, I have a mentally handicapped aunt, and she has her own WEB SITE. After a particularly annoying session, I turned to my grandmother and said, "If [your

"It is so easy to make music by just about anyone that the value has dropped significantly. "

"Artists don't deserve money just because they exist."

"So, if they throw something on a disc and charge you extra for it, it's not quite as shady as you make it out to seem."

Alternate solutions:

You're right, but that does not excuse his actions, or similar acts committed by anyone else.

PETA's over-reactions do more to harm their cause than help it. I have several friends who are veterinarians and animal behavior specialists. A few of them are vegan/vegetarian. They are all big on taking care of animals and treating them with respect.