
"laid off"

Thought JASF for PS3 was JSRF and got excited, then looked closer and felt sad.

"who apparently can't properly distinguish the obvious and significant differences between books and games"

"that analogy only works of those bonus chapters had nothing to do with the heart of the story. if they were superfluous."

This kind of nonsense only occurs in the world of computers. This would never fly in any other industry.

I was reloading the App Store like a madman yesterday until it appeared. Insta-buy.

He's not dead. He's undead.

This video came way before the MS Courier, but it is not from 1987. Not by a longshot.

List fails due to a lack of Literature and Latte's "Scrivener." It's a text editor designed around the process of writing, and it is utterly fantastic. I discovered it during NaNoWriMo '08.

"Warm Bodies is about being alive, being dead, and the blurry line in between."


First, a Kindle Fire is $200.

"Bullshit? Really? "How dare they make more game and not give it to me for free!"

Everyone dwelling on the misuse of the term misogyny is completely missing the point.

That was a hell of a scene.

Exactly this. Fact checking barely exists anymore. We don't even bother requesting it. It's a sad, sad joke. Instead of quickly collecting my news, I am forced to collect data from multiple points and try to extrapolate the truth. That is hardly progress.

It appears they split the audio and video. It probably reduces load on their end, but it makes downloading and re-assembling the video pretty difficult.

Umm... plenty of kickstarter projects provide gifts for different levels of support. It's not panhandling. It's a way to allow startups, small businesses, and individual entrepreneurs to create products without fighting with banks for a loan — loans most banks aren't giving these days.

I agree, and have pledged the same amount.

I don't agree with everything Gates says, but his sentiment here is spot-on. Unless you aspire to be a Bond Villain, the low end of "more than most people will ever see in their lifetimes" is pretty much enough.