
What a bunch of nonsense. I could put the worst things about Mother Theresa and the best things about John Wayne Gacy up there and get a similar reaction.

Forget the stripper argument. How many vending machines take dollar coins?

This article points out the biggest thing holding the industry back: no one "wants" to own three consoles. I mean, many of us do, but it puts us out a grand over the course of a year or two, takes up a ridiculous amount of space, and makes the back of our TV's a labyrinth of wires.

Arguing against Nickel and Dimed is pretty much the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

I own a 13" air (I wanted the larger display for all the VNC'ing I do), and I couldn't disagree more. The 11" air still has a standard-size keyboard, large trackpad, and a processor that can handle pretty much anything you throw at it that isn't high-end 3D/gaming.

I disagree completely. Ultrabooks may be the market sucessor to the netbook, but netbooks are not comparable. Smaller screens, next to no storage, wimpy processors, weird one-off linux distros, and cramped keyboards are the hallmarks of the netbook. "Ultrabooks" only suffer from one of these issues(storage on low-end

We're all hypocrites at some point or another. It's part of the human condition.

Right, but in the US, we call that communism. Here, you get one router, in the hotel lobby. It will cost $20/day for 512 kb/sec. And you'll like it, or else you hate freedom.

"I figure any person who ends up catching semen with their facial components and various orifices for a living isn't really skilled at making beneficial life choices."

Yeah, I figured Disc Replay is a regional thing, but I couldn't think of a national chain of used music stores.

I can't argue that it isn't really an online pass, but the Catwoman "DLC" is so integrated into the game that I don't think you can rightly compare it to Fallout's additional content. The Catwoman DLC is tightly woven into the main story; Fallout's additional content, though pretty well-integrated into the world, is

Well, no, you don't HAVE to get them all. But if I don't have two full rows of hearts at the end of the game, my brain starts looping The Macarena as punishment.

These sorts of things are cool in theory, but really annoying in practice. Do people really think I am going to set aside time on every holiday for this sort of thing? And how does this work in the context of the game? Obviously the story does not take place over the course of a year. This could just as easily have

"Unlike the product it costs the publishers/developers money to maintain multiplayer service. "

I agree with about 90% of that.

Jobs' call to disband teacher's unions is a little understandable, but also troubling. I work in an industry that is education-adjacent, and I can tell you that those unions are possibly the world's sharpest double-edged sword. There are a lot of bad teachers out there, but unions also keep us from having

Wait, now we need to find pieces of keys, too? Ugh.

Of course GameStop makes more off used games than new. There is next to no money in new game sales. There never has been. Until stores like Best Buy and Wal-Mart became the video game-selling powerhouses they are today, most video game specialty stores sold games for 10-15% above MSRP because the margins were so thin.

I think a lot of it has to do with the source material: Akira is pretty much entirely Japanese. Thor(and other comic book movies) are products of Western culture, and colorblind casting reflects changes in our culture. Meanwhile, Akira is not something we can claim as our own. It is Japanese more or less from head to

No, it has only been implemented on Macs using FireFox. That doesn't mean it is the only way the vulnerability works.