
"Might get people to finally realize that just because they're on macs they are not impervious to everything."

Yeah, I noticed there was a lot of that one single word throughout the first couple hours I've played. Frankly, I could do with a little less chatter throughout the whole game. Everyone's got something to say about just about everything I do. It's like the developers thought every button press should also include

That's a funny bit.

"DLC has NOTHING to do with something like an online pass which is simply an encouragement for people to buy something new and not used."

"I'd bet dollars to doughnuts most used game sales go to buy more used games."

Of course it makes more sense than dropping a score for hacking. And, hey, if the hacks/exploits are numerous, you SHOULD drop the score for it. It's called a testing for a reason.

And doing so implies that your game is bad. FYI.

Not for nothing, but reviews are practically free advertising. Assuming the game is well-reviewed, handing out free/advance copies of the game can boost sales.

"The used buyer isn't a customer of the developer or the publisher, they're a customer of the store they're buying the game from and are irrelevant. "

Killing the second-hand market will result in drops in new-game sales. What do you think all those "profit-reducing" trade-ins are going toward?

Deduct points? No. But anything that requires a pass should not count toward the score.

Are you talking about the stinky, messy one that just closed, or the bare-shelved one that just closed?

No, you never cheated. You just tossed women aside when you are done with them. And you completely overlooked poor Nuala.

You act as though these tests are being done by Post Office employees in their spare time. I'd like to think they are at least hiring people who've studied in the field they're testing in. Most testing these days is done with some sort of bias, true. But it's not as if the government is hiring school bus drivers to

I dislike these sort of studies. Human behavior is so complex, and in these studies they tend not to take the person's previous experiences or personality into account. You don't know how many of these participants are trying to be funny, how many just want the $50 bucks/extra credit they are being offered, or how

You're right, there's no better way to fix a problem than by ignoring it.

First and foremost, the Xbox 360 and PS3 don't connect via dial-up. Anyone with a router or switch hooked up to a 56k modem is an incredibly fringe case. I can't imagine a single developer using this as an excuse for disc-based content. It is likely less than 1% of the console-owning population.

There is a disturbing new trend among developers. It's the "What, no internet? Fuck you, you don't count" trend. It doesn't affect me (much), but it does make playing games that much more inconvenient. And you know what? Leisure activities aren't supposed to be inconvenient. What if my internet goes out? What if I

I can hear those standees calling my name. "Troy, Troy, did you get my text message?"

Oh, for fuck's sake. Did Steve Jobs create computers? No. But he was unfathomably influential in the tech world. The iMac popularized USB. Before the iPod, most portable media players were manually managed and had capacities measured in megabytes. Apple constantly pushed notebooks computers to be thinner and lighter,