
I wouldn't consider excessive drug use to be anywhere near as abhorrent as the belief that one group of people is inferior to another.

I worked at Borders from late '02 to early '03. They were doing quite well then. It's amazing how quickly the tides can turn. But even then, they were making some bad business decisions. Their media department was always ridiculously overpriced.

They are only delaying the inevitable. They should be thankful they have some form of business to fall back on. The world changes. If you can't reshape your model to work with it, it will fail. Look at Borders.

"To be or not to be, I know the answer."

I'm kind of surprised Chicago is that well-rated. I guess I shouldn't complain about my daily commute so much. Still, if someone could explain why my drive home is 50% longer than my drive to work, that would be cool.

"All assumptions, no proof."

Just in case I forgot I was on the internet, here's another article where the author assumes their life are exactly the same as everyone else's.

"I don't see what the big deal is."

Apple stopped producing the Xserve some time ago. They'd have to be running on a "competitor's" box in order to set up a server farm. But it isn't really a competitor at this point; they've been edging out of the game for a while now. Rumor has it their corporate network is running AD and Outlook.

Content providers would rather fail and blame everyone but themselves than accept that their models must change.

How would this even work? Who would even be interested in 25% of T-Mobile? What 25%? What other national GSM carriers are there?

My first computer was a System 7 Mac with 4 MB of RAM. Before that, my parent's PC was a 386 with 2 MB RAM and Win 3.1.

Preorder: cancelled.

The issue is, you are living in the real world, and most people don't. No one gets the concept of realistic expectations anymore. It's all "I want it now, I don't care what else is going on."

Yeah, it's not like these drives will function with future computers that CAN reach that speed. Nope, Thunderbolt drives only work for six months then EXPLODE.

+1. Million.

"For all the scientific certitude liberals spew they are woefully short on answers when it comes to anything useful."

My point, which you seem to have missed, is that the fact that someone else MIGHT be worse — there aren't numbers anywhere near as exact as the Nazi's for Stalin's or Mao's reigns — isn't even relevant here. The discussion has nothing to do with who the worst monster in human history is (consensus, I believe, points

See, shit like this is one of the reasons I flat-out gave up on dating a few years ago. Everyone seems to think their shit doesn't stink. But it does. It so does.

It doesn't matter that someone else might have topped the Nazis in body count. It doesn't change the fact that Adolph Hitler put into action an intricately well-organized effort to wipe out entire races and groups of people. Not just Jews. Gypsies. Homosexuals. The handicapped. He probably would have turned on Japan