
Right, right. Because all resources are infinite, and therefore it's all about the lazy not working hard enough.


Was it that hard to read the last two sentences of my four sentence post?

They share common bands on GSM and EDGE, but their 3G implementations use different frequencies.

You are referring to the original iMac. The eMac is an entirely different product.

This wasn't the case when I worked there back in 2003-2005. It also wasn't the case when I did a little part time work there last year.

Nerds here in the US consider anything to have touched air after being sealed in plastic to be used and inherently damaged beyond repair. Honestly. It's like they've all inherited the same form of OCD. I think it's because they mask their disorder as "Collecting," as if they aren't going to open the game when they get

The US change was implemented with the intent to help players better feel where their thumb was on the pad. Personally, I liked it. I don't think it was necessary, but I liked it.

I don't disagree with you. But the GameStop folks are claiming no one told them about the coupon. It looks like both sides (GS/SE) are guilty of ball-dropping.

I scrolled down, began to see the turn, shut my eyes, heard a click, and hit Command-W.

The "opened is still new" argument notwithstanding, opening the box and removing that card is not cool. It could be argued, though, that it wasn't cool for SquareEnix to include it. I mean, what GameStop did was wrong, but how would Best Buy react if Fox were to include a coupon for a movie at Target in every copy of

In early 2003, I got my hands on a Nokia 3650, one of the first camera phones, and also an early smartphone. It was great: email, a WAP browser, and even Bluethooth Tethering. I bought a Nokia N90 in early 2006. It was awesome. EDGE speeds, Google Maps, and a pretty good camera. Then I got a T-Mobile G1. Then a Nexus

Guilty from moment one.

A friend with Dropbox or a similar syncing/sharing mechanism? Heck, a friend with a USB stick and a stamp? Or perhaps a local nerd-shop (ie, comic store) that might be bootlegging on the side? Get creative!

Of course it's feasible. It's just that neither the cable companies nor the content providers want to provide this. Bundling protects them and their interests. And true, bundling does reduce the cost — if you are bundling every last channel. The problem is, they spread about half the good channels into their

Just because you they are within their rights to cut off the signal, doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. I've never understood the need to defend assholes for being assholes.

"You do realize that people still take these jobs willingly."

The best economy in the US? Kind of like being the least-injured person in the ICU. Which is especially ironic considering Texas might have a fantastic economy, but ranks quite low in health care. Texas also has the worst pollution. But hey, 8.2% unemployment! That's nice. Just ignore the fact that 10% of those people

"it was still better than it is now."

Disc Jockey is not essentially a human jukebox. Please crack open your dictionary and look up the word "jockey."