
"but overall, it's a dirty city"

We can argue the magic of semantics all day, and we aren't going to agree. My opinion: leave metaphor to matters literary, not legal. That's all I have to say on the subject.

I more or less agree, but I do enjoy stories where Superman is flawed in other ways. Kingdom Come and Red Son both feature Supes in roles where his morality is called into question. I enjoyed them a great deal.

Corporations are not people. You can't put a corporation in prison. You can't have a conversation with it. It does not breathe, it does not have consciousness. It does not live, and it does not die. Therefore, it should not be protected by the First Amendment. I say to hell with that supreme court decision. When

So... how are these "atoms" different from voxels, exactly?

"By the way that tax increase of 2% of the millionaires could quit possibly cost jobs. Employers and owners of companies already pay ass loads of taxes."

Wait, no one has noticed the Mr. F thing before? I just figured by the time I noticed it, it was already old news. Invisible locks are about the cleverest thing TV has ever produced.

It's always good for a company to find ways to push a thriving business into obscurity.

"Also, snail mail should go away because it is completely unprofitable and a big waste of money."

Hey, now. Most of the greedy rich earned it.

No such thing as a "poor" American? Tell that to everyone that has been looking for work for more than a year.

1. How can an article about Poverty TODAY be based on statistics from 2005? That isn't even post-economic collapse. Some of their "recent" statistics go back even further — to 2003 and even 2001. This information is nowhere near current enough to be anywhere near the ballpark of representing the current climate for

At the same time, unions have made the payroll costs of police forces across the country skyrocket. Finding a place to draw the line is fairly difficult. There are police departments fighting bankruptcy due to the staggering amount they put into pensions.

I don't know of any federal law that force companies to hire unions. Please cite them. Exactly. Provide evidence. There are laws regarding workplace safety, certainly. But I don't know of any law that forces one to hire from a specific pool of available labor. Illinois recently passed a law that the State can only

"Unions had a place in the last century"

You can replace the hard drive on every mac laptop EXCEPT the MacBook Air.

"One issue they suspect, but can't prove:"

Macs boot quite easily off of USB drives. Just make an image of the boot drive(or, if you have a boot disc, and image of that), then push it to a partition via Disk Utility. Congrats: bootable drive. With the drive plugged in, hold down the option key while booting. When the Boot Drive menu pops up, choose the USB

So... I guess they're fauxtographers?

I owned two minidisc players, from 1998 to 2001 and 2001 to 2004. Sadly, the ones I owned weren't capable of direct data transfer, so I had to record discs in real-time. I purchased it more for the portability than anything else — I could carry the player and ten minidiscs much more easily than a portable CD player