Superbad Zombie

Persona 5 is a blast; the music is just absolutely phenomenal. Honestly, it’s one of the best Acid Jazz video game musical compositions I have ever heard. It’s up there with Akira Yamoaka’s Silent Hill soundtracks.

Horizon Zero Dawn was awesome! My only complaint is, it was way too short. Loved every second of it though.

Nightmare Creatures was the Bloodborne of the 90's. At the very least, it’s a great IP to give a remaster or a reboot!

The first game to freak me out; I would say Narc. Used to play it in the arcades and on NES. For some reason it just completely weirded me out.

I believe you are 100% correct

The alt-right have already accepted that dude who released the memo at Google as one of their false prophets. I swear they get dumber by the hour.

Doom WADS and Duke Nukem 3D custom maps were my favorite mods growing up for sure. I was always on the hunt for new ones.

I saw this going down in real time on Twitter and NeoGAF. I think it was a good idea to get rid of Nick tbh. People in a position of power soliciting young girls and women to “send noods” in a predatory fashion is honestly a pitiful way to get your rocks off.

My favorite part about Persona 5 is the music. It’s one of the best Acid Jazz soundtracks I’ve ever heard!

My only complaint about the Switch, is there are maybe two games I would play on it right now as an adult gamer. It very well may be a console worth owning in the future, but for me I will stick with my PS4 Pro, XBone and PC for my gaming needs. Looking forward to the One X though...

I don’t see the appeal to Wildlands. I bought the game on release and just cannot get into it. I probably shouldn’t have purchased it because I honestly found the beta to be boring. For as much shit as The Division gets, at least that game had me HOOKED for months on end. Wildlands just doesn’t have the same fun

She certainly has come a long way.

My Gawd.

Not gonna lie, I was laughing my ass off at some of the folks on the Reddit megathread over the canceled SNES Mini pre orders. Half the people posting had ordered 3-5 of them with separate credit cards which is IMO a shitty thing to do. They honestly need to have a one per household rule because the limited

Not sure of the release date, but at E3 is was announced as an Xbox timed exclusive. So my guess is it will be releasing on PS4 maybe a few months to a year after XB. I am definitely looking forward to playing it once I upgrade to the Xbox One X though.

Following lol

Believe or not there is actually pelvic floor Physical Therapy. You never know, it could actually help!

DAMN is still album of the year for me. Behind Kendrick is Brother Ali “All the Beauty”, David Banner “God Box” and Jay-Z “4:44"...

I think Ragnarok looks fantastic!

Very interesting! I look forward to the fresh beginnings Splinter can provide. We need this now more than ever, in my humble opinion.