Superbad Zombie

Like, totes edgy

Stating the obvious, once again. Is this your first day on teh interwebz?

No shit Sherlock

I think the first Silent Hill film is a video game movie masterpiece (as far as video game movies go lol). I am truly biased though because its my favorite game series of all time.

The Resurrection: Reloaded

Just know I love your site, even though I will be perpetually grey for the unforseeable future lolz

We love you guys too (sadface)

She sure looks like she’s having a lot of fun... When just ‘hours’ before she was supposedly getting phones thrown at her face. Plus I still see no marks underneath the hair. This looks like a smoking gun to me, mixed with the fact police checked her out and saw no marks.

Amber Heard is crazy as a loon. Everyone on the planet is pretending they are divorce lawyers now, when the fact remains there is absolutely no proof of this abuse. None, zero, zilch. The police saw no marks, photos the day showed her face with no marks, plus she was partying with friends. Why is she asking for money

The marketing for this game make it look like a hybrid of Destiny and countless other misfires.

Looks like defaced property to me. Arrest them!

As a casual observer, I think Bernie has earned his right to stay in as long as he feels he should. Plus everytime you guys speak it makes Drumpf that much more appealing to them. You understand this right?


Lowe’s it is!

Silly peasant, Xbox & Ps4 are virtually one in the same. Best controller on the market is on Xbox, slightly better graphics on ps4. I own them all and still game more on PC. Kindly take your useless opinion elsewhere. Hardcore gamers laugh at your silly consoles


I still cry myself to sleep over the thought of no Silent Hills. That series is a treasure to me and my gaming career. Still play it to this very day. SH2, SH3, and The Room, as well as PT are masterpieces.

Good thing there is Scorpio to look forward too

Stating the obvious? Lol..