Superbad Zombie

IMO they screwed up possibly the most epic comic book of all time. So instead of saving Doomsday & The Death of Superman until after JL, they just shoehorn ol’ Doomsy in on BvS why? Grrrr. Would have made much more sense!! Then kill of Supes and the world collectively weeps for your magum opus!

No way that was an actual transcript. I can smell prewritten a mile away

Thank you for pointing that out, random kinja commenter.

Sounds like a X-Tina song.

Well the topic of the article is xbox. Had no intention of mentioning PC

God, I hope not.


Oblivion & Skyrim. Easily 2 of the best video games (dlc included) of all time! Glad to see them get some shine :)

+1 purgatory buddies

Alas! Something tells me I will be grey forever also :(

Exactly! I had some awfully toxic people in my life that were not helping me survive lol. Especially with stage 4 cancer, it was just too much. Some people just want to watch the world burn, I tell ya!

Meh. I think thats more of an opinion then a fact. Naturally they retain value, the current market decides the current value.

I usually find the opposite to be true. Most new digital releases stay at 59.99$ for years after release. While you could run into gamestop and find this very game on sale weeks after release for $40.00 or less...

Oh man, I’ve been there. As a cancer survivor myself you learn awfully quick who your true friends are! Now I find myself with a super tight knit group of awesome like minded individuals! It gets better :)


Now I know your trolling. Clearly you’ve never been to screenrant and seen people arguing over DC vs Marvel, how bad the new GB trailer sucked, and how bad Ben Affleck is for the role of Batman.

So she’s pretty and fun as hell? Got it.