Superbad Zombie

You give really good advice! That is all

Natty Light. Tastes like misery with a hint of desperation.

I bet she’s fun at parties!

The way they coerced Brenden who clearly has untreated mental issues was appalling. They wanted him to fit into their narrative, and since he is considered to be the main evidence for Stephens case - I think they both deserve a new trial, with a new judge mind you. The entire case between the Chief, DA, and the

I’m sorry, what ale’s you?

It looks like a movie poster!

Humble brag

Tomorrows Kotaku Headline:

Goodbye greys, hello world?

Bill Cosby says hello

Agreed, she’s a little rusty. But something tells me 10years ago she would have fucking nailed this song!

/drops mic

Effie did come across as completely out of her mind in Project Greenlight so I guess it goes both ways

I’m just fucking with ya man

Conclusion: I don’t
