Superbad Zombie

That might just be the coolest fucking thing I have ever heard of in my life!

Here in Rhode Island we call that, “The Studio Who Shall Not Be Named.”

Your like soo cool.

Thought kotaku was getting into vaping for a minute there!

Blair Witch Project style camera work, nice!

Guess they went under 50mph.

I found none of that funny but then again I don’t hunt or fish.

Unity is a painful game to play. All I see are missteps everywhere, especially with the populated NPCs. There are so many on the screen at once that most of them bug out when your in a crowd. In my opinion it was a chore to finish this game. By far the worst Creed in recent memory.

This changes nothing. Gaurenteed we keep our ring, even though its slightly embarassing (not really though).

So if I have this in my download history can I redownload it? Kinda getting hard to keep track of all these P.T. Updates


Yup it was. My cousin was the only person on the planet I ever met with a 3DO. Even though I read about them all the time in GamePro I never saw one up to that point. Great white buffalo.

Mr. Show used to trip me out! Such a weird, awesome program!

Found it. The name is Jurassic Park Interactive for the 3DO. It was an FPS where you could relive parts of the original movie. My fave was trying to turn the power on with velociraptors hunting you in the dark. It was epic!

Silent Hill 2 is a masterpiece, but I was always drawn to The Room. That game blew my mind from the beginning to the final battle with Walter. Loved how your apartment which was supposed to be your safe house gradually became infected by possession. Basically making the tension build and build until it all ends in

There was an AWESOME Jurassic Park video game for the Panasonic 3DO that was by far the best JP game. Hopefully theres someone else who knows what I’m talking about! It was so ahead of its time,back in the day of course...

Games too short to be a masterpiece.

I’ve been searching for a Warcraft 2 killer for half my life. Something tells me I’ll have to wait another 20 years to see Warcraft 4. Lord knows it takes them 5years+ for development. Sigh
