I think you need to calm down there, bud.
I think you need to calm down there, bud.
but get a life.
At least someone’s having fun in GW2.
God, people really will find a reason to complain about anything. Game developers are people too. They have the right to have fun, just as much as the people playing the game. Publicly pwning that hacker was probably a ton of fun for them. Let them have it. Christ...
I see nothing wrong with what they did at all. Anet did it’s job after the video was posted and tracked the guy down which resulted in their ban. It probably took Anet less then a hour to make that video and post it after the offender was found. Not a single ounce of time was taken away from anything important. Anyone…
nope, none of this ‘well, if your loot system wasn’t broken people wouldn’t cheat’ nonsense. Cheaters cheat regardless of how ‘unbroken’ a system is. That’s just a weak attempt at blaming the devs for someone else’s actions because “dev = company = ALL COMPANIES ARE BIG AND EVIL ALL THE TIME THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU…
This looks like a straight to DVD quality movie...
There is a vast difference between movies that girls happen to like and movies that have well written lead female characters. Every marvel movie lead has been a man. Marvel movies are sausage fests even with Black Widow.
A few people have raised the questions “gee, isn’t this normal for the court system,” so I’ll address on this comment (with all respect to the other commenters who’ve asked, I’m only going to do it this one time).
Great reporting as always, Diana.
Reading those words, in that handwriting, is absolutely gut-wrenching.
After reading so much bad journalism and shit reporting; Diana, this is the best piece of journalism I have read in a while. Good on you!
No pictures. That’s what the biggest name in boxing, poised for one of the signature fights of his career, says over…
The concept of binary sexuality and binary gender is one that exists in the restraints of our language only.
As someone with a transgender sibling who took a lot of shit from people after he came out, but also had supportive family I’m very happy that Jenner was able to be honest with the world about who she is. It’s never easy, and people will make horrible jokes, and they won’t understand, but every high profile individual…
Because it’s very, very important that we all know his penis feelings.
It’s weird how such an ugly woman can bang so many professional athletes and celebrities! You’re an internet commenter that’s judged on their statements, are we also allowed to have opinions on what you say? Also since you’re fostering a discussion on looks, would you be willing to post a picture?
Your dad did and he ended up with someone as fucking ugly as you are, so maybe you’ve got a point.
I get the feeling you’re looking in the mirror when you say that.
I would like to be the first to say: She's not attractive? Funny too, probably even better if I knew the story she was satirizing. This news didn't make it overseas and the sport practically doesn't exist here. Presumably the same is true about its rape-culture.