
I was interested in what you said and your box O dildos. I looked around and saw that deadspin broke this story with an interview with mandi koba. I’d be surprised if she wasn’t told of the tape then and at least asked about it, but what do I know? Only that KJ is a piece of shit I guess. Smh, and he would pray

I kinda want Steve Smith as the new Wolverine

Can’t leave out this recent gem from “Rick and Morty” that we all should be watching all the time!

“Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.” 273 recommends

I gather that Damon said some rather dumb/tone deaf stuff on project Greenlight or whatever it is, but this quote isn’t bad at all is it? Sticking up for a life long friend and pointing out how a tabloid media can paint you however it sees fit. I didn’t see this as an issue ten years ago. I had thought that

I gather that Damon said some rather dumb/tone deaf stuff on project Greenlight or whatever it is, but this quote isn’t bad at all is it? Sticking up for a life long friend and pointing out how a tabloid media can paint you however it sees fit. I didn’t see this as an issue ten years ago. I had thought that

“Brazil is experiencing a crisis of disrespect to the authorities. I think this is more pronounced with this episode.”


Stuff like this smells of bad coaching.

That was horrible. Why did that HB bump it outside? Look like it was well blocked over the tackle.

I’m not exactly sure how to say this but the average dude is just worse than he used to be. The cowards are more cowardly, the vicious more vicious, and the dumb get dumber. Too bad people don’t just square up and fight one on one like the good old days.

I don’t just like to put hate out there but this show is kinda shitty right? I have no sympathy for the trouble these idiots get into. Like every story you’ve heard about over privileged football players and their self made problems are gonna be the syllabus of this show. The Rock is always entertaining though. Rob

What is this gif from? It’s great! However wasn’t she always She-hulk and didn’t have to transform everytime? My thought on that might be wrong, but that’s what I always liked about She-Hulk. That she could keep her temper in check when the Hulk couldn’t, she could just walk around in daily life and conduct herself as

I’m guess it’s still going to be the effectively same game. I would keep buying if they could fix online play.

Lol happens all the time, friend tries t restrain and you end u getting popped in the eye.

Saw this the other night. Cruise is actually older than Stewart.

I wonder if that kid was getting blazed too? This guy is going to be out for the year I’m thinking. I love that it hurts the Jets, if only Rex was still there! Maybe Miami’s year?

Not meaning to disrespect Krav Maga, but it’s always these guys that rep that shit.

“Punk on the other hand seems pretty dedicated to what he’s doing, and if He wins his first match he’s already doing better than Lesnar.”. Lesner was Heavyweight champ yet if Punk wins one match he’s better than Lesner, OK wwe fanboy I’m done. U win.

That list is pretty reasonable and some of it journalism 101