
You mean that fight where he was destroying Mir and then got caught by a knee bar? I think there were mitigating circumstances to the title shot and sure,the hype around Brock was one of those. I can admit that but if you still can’t see the difference between Punk and Brock, then you don’t knwo UFC. Probably one of

Lesner competed for the title almost immediately due to his amateur training, Punk will be out against a third tier dude. Pretty big difference. Don’t get me wrong the Punk thing is all about spectacle, but it’s not a consequential fight and he will have to earn a win like anyone else

I know that’s why I called you out. I forget the MMA site but you tear up the main card predictions. I can’t argue with how you put things. I’m reactionary to people who compare UFC to wwe because I think it deligitimizes the athletes who don’t get near the respect they should, especially from the UFC.

Sadowolf... The legendary MMA handicapper

Brock is one of the most decorated college heavyweights ever, so he was an easy natural fit in MMA. And sure he brought a lot of cache because he had been an actor in wwe for awhile. That doesn’t make UFC the wwe. Also if fighters want to use the wwe as publicity that’s fine. Movie stars, little kids, and pro athletes

49ers will be so fun to watch this year. just a burning ball of garbage

Comparing the two is just so disrespectful to actual fighters. Also you mention since Dana White took over? He’s spearheaded the company since 2001 and if anything has moved it away from wwe antics and legitimized the sport. However he is wrong with the uniforms and really wrong about cutting Stitch.

I don’t see how being a fighter makes you a douchbag. I’ve heard the opinion but never explained, can you tell me why you think that?

It must work as amazing cover,maybe a melee headbutt.

All joking aside why do we do this to ourselves. There are lesser drugs we all ignore that still have negative effects, and not less so. This incident is horrible for this woman, but what about 10 years of drinking on the weekends, or getting high every night, or nasty cigarettes. Philosophically, what makes us do

You ever been to a game where the cameraman gets a shot like this? Much of the time they tell you to get hyped for the camera. I’d like to see this lady’s reaction if he put his hand over her mouth. Guy might be a little dumb but took that shit in stride.

The craziest part for me was the 3,4 or 5 headkicks McDonald nailed him with in the center of the Octagon. Robbie sorta half-assed blocked them and kept coming. Dude’s got a concrete noggin. Weird how huge it’s gotten over the years.

I had a roommate that watched nonstop vh1 reality shows and gameshows starring their old reality “celebs.”. Dumbest people ever, living with them felt like “ Idiocracy” I was faggy cuz I knew stuff.

292 reviews, many hilarious. Zero verified purhase.

292 reviews, many hilarious. Zero verified purhase.

We all know that’s you Rachel dolezal quit frontin


Bisbing is #10 in ufc and USA today rankings...

And this

I give them chi, stl once, cle atl, and min. SF gotta tough division and will mostly get pounded. Or I could be wrong. I live in Nevada and gamble this. Think on it all the time.

I’m thinking about taking 49ers @ -7 wins for the season with a substantial chunk. Or is Kap enough to lead this team to over 7?