
So happy to see this back!

Drake's dad looks like a tragic mixture of latter day Richard Pryor and current day Steve Harvey.

*looks in the comments*
"Really, no one's done it yet? Alright then."

Ad Block is one hell of a thing.

"Ladies first."

Agreed it's a great idea for a feature and I look forward to seeing more of this.

And Tower Heist doesn't really count as a movie.

Well, people dying in freak accidents is bewildering, that's why we use the word "freak."

Well, No Surprises there.

Chi Hard (can also be used for Spike Lee's next film.)

You know, sometimes it just makes sense why a sketch was cut.

This makes sense, Weezer are the Jimmy Fallon of 90s alt-rock bands.

A Deon Cole stand-up special? Hell yes!

When it was revealed that he was cooking the egg in a store I literally had to rewind the podcast a couple times because I was laughing so hard.

This loser couldn't even get Michael J. Fox!?

It's "No Holds Barred" meaning the zombie of Hulk Hogan's career comes out and tries to wrestle you.

Today I learned that there is a Pittsburgh, Ohio. Get your own city names Ohio!

I was sold the moment it showed his album's name was "Thriller Also."

Exactly what you can expect when you see Wain and Showalter involved and I mean that in the best way possible. Also, anything with Ken Marino yelling gets an automatic A from me.

It's pretty telling that Lapkus had the best line in that whole trailer. Screw it, just give her her own show already.