
Why does this picture make it look like Carpenter is rocking out at an EDM show?

Damn, someone wishes they had co-created Wolverine.

This is a weird article to choose to post this in but it seems like everyone's just been picking random ones to say their goodbyes. I'm mostly a lurker but I've been around here for 5 years (dear god) at this point and I've developed a deep love for the Commetriat here. This has been one of the sharpest and brightest

LA to Vegas looks to continue McDermott's streak of being in absolute shit TV shows.

LA to Vegas looks to continue McDermott's streak of being in absolute shit TV shows.

I got a little too excited to see "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" on there.

This was alright, I'm kind of okay with the voice actors not really trying to imiatate their characters previous actors, especially Servo because those are some big shoes to fill. Jonah is really good at this though, happy for him.

The most egregious thing about Chuck and Larry is that they never bring up bi-sexuality when it could be used to solve almost all of the third act.

I refuse to believe this film is better than Fate of the Furious.

I've been watching all of them as part of a podcast and there have only been two times where my co-hosts and I legitimately wanted to quit, Eight Crazy Nights and Grown Ups 2.

Damn, Chalupa Jack taking it the the real villains of 2017, people who work in marketing. I'm so thankful we have this brave warrior to stand up and tell a person to quit their job because they like making money.

Serously, Kevin Pang is fine and all but I'd like to have a bit more actual critique in those PPV reviews and not just "this match happened like this."


Looks like a bunch of Ninjagoffs to me.

If Will and Hannibal were murder husbands can Paula and Rebecca become homicide brides?

Bad comment dude.

American Horror Story: Writer's Room

I appreciated that the show took it's time building up it's cast this episode and making us wait for Cage to start heroing around. There might have been a bit too much exposition in regards to Luke himself but I imagine they're still trying to keep things mostly new viewer friendly, even if that's not really needed.

It gives me hope that he might actually say, "I want my money, honey" at some point.

More like Angryish, am I right?