Feckless Donnie also picked Memorial Day to attack Conor Lamb (PA-17), a Marine veteran who didn’t have any bone spur issues when he raised his hand.
Feckless Donnie also picked Memorial Day to attack Conor Lamb (PA-17), a Marine veteran who didn’t have any bone spur issues when he raised his hand.
Give 20+ of the best people you’ve ever met and ask that question again.
You have good friends, too much admiration for our veterans is dangerous, they should be respected but over adulation is toxic.
I have no problem with the concept because I think it has it’s role, my problem is with the 99% of people who say it because they want to pat themself on the back and put a bumper sticker on their car.
I read an article this morning which called Donnie Bone Spurs an ‘alpha male’s alpha male’, aside from the fact that using the term ‘alpha male’ other than ironically likely means you’re tragically hung and drive a pickup truck with it’s own zip code, using that term to describe Donnie Bone Spurs is a lovely piece of…
You’ve done nothing wrong, I just feel like I’ve spent half my life and a lot of my friends serving a country that doesn’t deserve it, it’s my problem, not yours.
Like most assholes I don’t speak for all of us, it’s just one of the many reasons I avoid being in uniform in public, keep rolling how you roll.
I’ve been in the US military for about 25 years and ‘thanks for your service’ is fucking nails on a chalkboard to me. I go way out of my way to avoid being caught in public in uniform. I may be very wrong but ‘thanks for your service’ is masturbatory if it’s not coming from someone who’s worn the flag.
My faith in this country fully departed the pattern about 3 years ago but if Biden picks this milquetoast non-entity to run with him, I’ll mail my medals back to the Pentagon, move to Scotland, shave my dog’s ass and teach it to walk backwards.
The Heavy even has a Tesla hood ornament after separation.
Tell that to the 13 or so sailors on the Big Stick who tested positive a second time after recovering once and having 2 negative tests in the interim. I’ll even give you a link from the treasonous news clowns listen to;
Fat republican cowards, such an American tradition.
Pussy ass bitch let’s this coward off easy.
Best friend growing up had a grandfather in a local nursing home, we’d ride our bikes over there for hot dogs and chocolate shakes, that man could sling a Fenway Frank.
The key to cast iron cooking is to make that pan your bitch, lard, oil, meat, crank the oven as high as it will go and the smoke alarm is your timer. If you’re not throwing your cast iron out and buying a new one after each meal, you’re not doing as the founders intended.
C-bomb, I like that because the word is like a nuke on our side, and it’s not to be deployed without caution. My wife however is from Belfast and she has something of a potty mouth, which to be straight up is awesome!
There’s a song that’s played on a certain piece of concrete in Coronado California, it usually rings out at about 3am about an angry man named Johnny who has an appointment with a decidedly angrier woman named Jezebel.
I’ve been kinjatized and can’t get the vid to load but I’ve seen that one before and nothing quite brings the essense home like a 5 year old dropping the hammer in a lovely brogue.