
Based on her stance - weaver to modified weaver she’s either a comp shooter or military as you said, I believe US cops are being taught these days to square up more to the target so they don’t expose the weaker to non-existent body armor on their sides, so maybe not a cop. Then again with a little stress most default

If you’re looking for the men’s name, just google any North American hockey league’s draft results, it’s in there somewhere;

For quite a while masks have been IQ indicators, just wait until you start seeing red ones to match the dunce caps.

I didn’t see any measurements or names in there so based on the time period I’m guessing the smallest of those things was about 3 feet long, weighed like 60 lbs and is called the desanguinator. would just set a good example. He’d be a good role model.

Beyond electing them to office, what does one do with a bunch of aging nuts?

Jesus you’re just an absolute fucking moron. I only read your posts and some of the other imbecile trolls to try to understand how the fuck the dumbest person in any room he enters was elected president. Good for you clown, such pride you must have, don’t respond, none of us last more than 3 words before dismissing.

Little donnie bone spurs, what a disgrace to ignorant humans. We are so winning bitches!

The stupid must be punished and imbeciles culled.

“There’s an effort underway across the country to erase our nation’s history....”

Little donnie bone spur’s lasting legacy from his time defiling the white house will be how many cowards he emboldened.

The default setting for imbeciles has always been racism, this fraction of a human lived it’s life very poorly, he was a stain, he was a moron and he was a coward, fuck right the fuck off blanton.

Americans have a tendency to beat around the bush, we’re a vile people in many ways but the Brits have a word that cuts to the quick, it’s deployed sparingly but with effect, Tom Cotton is a fucking cunt.

Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) has always been the dumbest fucker in any room donnie bone spurs has vacated but christ he’s getting dumber, it’s like a miracle of science, these assholes talk about triggering and owning the libs when we’re standing there scratching our heads wondering if they need medical attention.

Playing the Churchill card is fox at it’s dumbest and most clueless, their viewership and bone spurred standard bearer claim Abe Lincoln as a ‘Republican’ with a straight face.

Lower case christ, the American republican party would be the fucking height of unintentional comedy if it wasn’t such a fucking cowardly stain on humanity.

One of the quotes fox entertainment clowns feed their clueless baby birds now and then is ‘If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.’

I’m a fan of your takes, you always bring the heat, we have so many jaws in need of shattering.

When someone rolling with the name bitchtits mispells the ‘tits’ part, you know you’re in stable genius territory. Winning!

Indianapolis is actually a very nice city, lots of great restaurants, the theatre section is outstanding, nightlife is off the charts and the people.... nah I’m just fuckin’ with you, it’s the place they thought should be nuked from orbit in that one Alien movie.