On this side of the pond it’s sometimes considered a bit rough, lacking decorum or maybe a little offensive to describe someone with the word that best defines them. Donald Trump is a fucking cunt.
On this side of the pond it’s sometimes considered a bit rough, lacking decorum or maybe a little offensive to describe someone with the word that best defines them. Donald Trump is a fucking cunt.
“This incident should serve as a reminder for anyone contemplating wearing or displaying items so closely associated with hate and human suffering that our society does not hold in high regard those who do so.”
One of the epic bloggers on Deadspin once referred to Mitch as ‘the worst living thing’ and he was on the money. Feckless Donnie is a temporary sideshow clown but Mitch’s damage to this country will resonate for generations.
Nothing says Republican louder than being an imbecile and a coward.
If you’re a member of the military or former member who supports donnie bone spurs you are urinating on the oath you’ve taken at least once.
It’s called a dunce cap.
But his pickup truck is yuuuuge, or maybe it’s a Hummer, either way straight trigger finger cosplay in a zero threat environment requires a large vehicle.
One of the courtesies extended to retiring members of the military is to have your retirement certificate signed by any one of the living presidents. So for instance if the fraction of a human currently defiling the White House happens to be a physical, intellectual, and moral coward there’s a website you can visit to…
Musk had this ‘thing’ going where people who didn’t know better percieved him as a genius who built rockets and cool cars, people who did know better knew he was and is just some clown who rolled the bones well. All this Trumpian assclown tweeting is exposing more and more people to the reality.
You’ve prob seen this...
Fieri continues his streak of being a quality human while Fallon continues to give Michael Bolton a run for his money in talent and all things assclown.
That someone would pay anything north of 80 cents for that abomination is further proof we’re a failed species, as far as GOATs go; Lebron, Orr, Mays, Billy.
That someone would pay anything north of 80 cents for that abomination is further proof we’re a failed species, as…
Donnie and his fluffer from another mother, two shit sippers who’d be in the weeds as assistant to the county dog catcher fucking things up by the numbers after their illegitimate elections. A ‘Murican classic.
Unless your bread is cylindrical with indentations on the side from the steel can that birthed it, you aint livin’.
Nothing says bread made with care and love like those steel can indentations on the side of the ‘loaf’.
Yeah, that’s the stuff
The cosplay cowards in Michigan make for good theatre but they represent a very small and very ignorant minority, if push came to shove they’d be nothing more than bugs in search of a windshield.
Some walking indictment of the educational system made this sign, looked at the finished product and apparently didn’t immediately choke themselves out. This sign is just a glimpse into the level of abject stupidity and ignorance on display in these “it’s all about me” imbecile parades around the country.