Of the many feckless, cowardly traits that describe this administration, their absolute lack of character and intellectual courage from Bone Spurs on down is what absolutely defines them.
Of the many feckless, cowardly traits that describe this administration, their absolute lack of character and intellectual courage from Bone Spurs on down is what absolutely defines them.
Moral and intellectual cowardice aside, Mike Pence is a genuine moron. Listen to him speak on any subject, filter out the platitudes and feckless political speak and you’re left with someone who’d fuck up your ice water order at Dimpus Burger.
People are morons.
I was being specific to the Strait of Hormuz, and Bears can’t fly.
This is nothing new, the Iranians have been doing this to our big boats like carriers and amphibs for many many years in the narrow strait, sometimes they’re pretty aggressive, sometimes they’re not, but they’re always being targeted either by the ships themselves or air assets from the ships and more recently by…
“But now I think that people have realized we don’t know if it works or not”
That ‘shining city on a hill’ looks more every day like a dumpster fire on a garbage heap.
Cooking has some solid rules and a shitload of theories. Watch 2 chefs you like make scrambled eggs on youtube and you’ll leave wondering if they actually made the same thing.
My use of ‘pity’ aims more at listening to someone, reading their comments maybe or watching them carry fucking guns to a state capital to parade their ignorance and wondering ‘just how the fuck are people this stupid?’ We know the answer to that because at least 80% of this country are straight up mall ninja imbeciles…
A great problem with our current farce is how the hell you deal with imbeciles who think they’re ‘owning’ or ‘triggering’ you when the only real emotion is pity.
Yeah, I’m in Beaufort, SC and if you get too much further north, it’s going to take a lot of attention and hustle to keep one of these alive unless you have it in a planter/pot that you can bring inside. Mine’s like I said about 9 or 10 feet tall so obviously in the ground, but even here I have some ‘christmas lights’…
Absolutely, and I failed to mention limes. What the little green cousins can do to so many foods - especially Mexican is why blogs like this exist.
This is why we have these back and forths right, so maybe we learn from each other? I’m not sure what advantage preheating on medium gives you? Do you do all the cooking on the stovetop or do you use the oven too?
Being the Sheriff of Jerkwater, USA and wondering alongside us what exactly could make a billygoat puke. That’s Brian Dennehy.
I think some people prefer well done becuase it has a more ‘charred’ flavor and let’s face it - it can be cooked by any monkey with a fork and a fire. What they miss is that the ‘charred’ flavor can be accomplished with proper cooking through the malliard reaction, so you get the char but you also get the incredible…
It rarely needs to be above ‘medium’ unless you’re searing some meat and the same rule applies to the microwave as well if you’re forced to use it.
It’s huge now - I’d guess 9 or 10 feet and I told my neighbors years ago to ‘shop’ at the tree as often as they want - some of them have taken that a bit too literally :) but even so it puts off way more fruit than we can use so I end up giving a lot to a local restaurant.
I made a sweet potato hash last weekend with the diced potatoes cooked in the rendered fat from bacon and pepperoni, my daughter hates sweet potatoes but told me it’s the best thing she’s ever eaten.
Your first piece of advice is perfect. One of my sisters is married to a great chef and I asked him years ago the same question your post raises. I think the direct quote was “put lemon on everything, shit put it on your cereal if won’t get you kicked out”.
How’s Karen doing these days?