
I remember a long line for a Doner Kebab (spinning cone of meat in Ron Swanson speak) and a pint in Germany after about 7000 days of Mr Es.

People claim that Donnie of the Small Hands using “a lot of people say” is a tell that he’s fixing to lie, this fraction of a human’s whole existence is a tell, if his face anus is open he’s lying and if it’s closed he’s being a coward and thinking of his next lie - that’s the tell.

Karu, you’re awesome but someone tell Deadspin no one gives a shit unless you can comment. Who are these cowards?

Any and every time you wonder why Donnie Trump does anything, just remember he is a coward who’s only loyalty is to himself. He is a physical coward, he is an intellectual coward and every single decision he’s made in his sorry, feckless, worthless life has been aimed at benefitting him.

We’re the greatest city in the United States. We don’t need you, Johnson added.

Span - who cares what the fuck it’s name is and the other feckless clowns who killed this place can line their pockets but they’ll always be Trump level milksops.

I’d like to take a second to point out that the former Soviet clowns are terrified as always of what we bring because as they may have the current coward in the White House by the small bag, we showed them and the rest of the world a few days ago once again that there are no easy days, units don’t take days off and

Tessitore is such a manifestation of Joe Buck Disease which afflicts too many announcers - just because there is a microphone in front of you does not mean you have to talk, especially if you have nothing to say, just take a second to shut the fuck up every now and then!

You patience always astonishes me, how you listen to these morons (and I know you only print a small fraction) and don’t immediately google maps their ass and call in an airstrike is a damn super power.

Not to mention ManU and LFC. :)

Taylor Twellman’s recipe for ice is 3 pages long.

Bill Belichick catches a lot of shit because he’s a grumpy old bastard and cheats and worships the devil or whatever but watch NFL films replays of Patriot’s playoff games (there are a few out there) and watch when he’s addressing the team - the eyes and the attention of those players are locked on him.

I know this post has other motives but “Three Good Dogs I Met” is at the same time the title of the best movie I’ve never seen and the best book I’ve never read.

David, seriously if this clown succeeds in killing Deadspin/Kinja which appears to be his goal, please leave a forwarding address, I’m not the only one who finds your commentary indispensable and I forward all of your Trump dissections to my 89 year old Mom who’s a big fan.

That Lance Corporal is disgracing the uniform (and himself for that matter).

The dark haired failson’s imprimatur is a sure sign something sucks in much the same way an insult from feckless daddy is an indication you’re doing something the right way.

The wheelman is for shit.

Getting insulted by the dumbest person and biggest coward in any room he enters is a compliment from a feckless clown, I don’t know Superintendent Eddie Johnson from Adam but he’s obviously doing something right.

Dear In a Rush;