
Absolutely. No matter the emotional and personal shortcomings and blindspots the traders may all have here, they’re not stupid. They couldn’t survive without even the most basic of analytical skillsets at that level. How Mafee’s reaction to that strange approach by Wendy wasn’t, “Are you okay? Are you drunk? I think

Yup. No matter how bizarre and over the top they’ve taken certain characters in certain situations it’s always been believable within the confines of the world of the show. Even things like Dollar Bill’s “I’m Keyser Soze, motherfucker” played true when it would seem ridiculous on most other shows. This was just out of

Thank goodness we have all of this insightful television to make the world a better place so we don’t have to.

Look, I don’t come here for political propaganda, even less, political propaganda for 12 years old. I am aware of the general political orientation of this site and of the people reaction in the comments and I have no problem with it, agreeing with many points, but there is a limit. I am not even American so really

The real star of this episode, while only actually briefly appearing as a headshot in an over-the-shoulder graphic, was Russell Crowe. I thought that whole bit Oliver did with the auction and the Blockbuster was pretty weak, but Crowe elevated the hell out of it and lobbed it right back. Well done, sir. Well done.

Loved seeing the Taylor/Mafee relationship again. That was one of the highlights of last season. And I really liked the Taylor/Wendy scene as those have always been interesting.


Yeah....well... maybe she should just have a brownie and chill the fuck out, man. She’s bringing me down.

The sequence with for the reveal that it’s Amy with the Petty cover playing was one of the more beautifully disturbing things I’ve seen since Maddy’s murder with Julee Cruise singing on Twin Peaks.

Definitely with you on the skipping ahead bit. Or at least relegate the Carrie-off-her-meds chunk to a montage in the opening episode, and get the inevitable Brody hallucination/Damien Lewis cameo out of the way early. Let the final season focus on being a solid espionage thriller. It’d be nice if she could have one

Beloved character actress Margo Martindale

The Looming Tower is on Hulu not Prime.

It’s still on Amazon Prime. So’s that short 4 season show he did for CBS after that.

I hear it in a Target commercial the other day and thought the same thing. Reminded me of the DJ Sammy and Do version of “Heaven” by Bryan Adams from a while back. I kind of assumed it was something that’d been playing in malls and Applebees for years and was surprised it was new. That said, I don’t hate it like I

I watched a lot of Charlie Rose but have no interest in actually seeing this project if it ever gets off the ground. But I would’ve watched the fuck out of a Dahmer-hosted talk show about cannibalism. The wacky cooking segments with celebrity guests they always do on those shows would be worth it alone.

A surprise midday Random Roles with an actor I get ridiculously excited to see pop up onscreen ever since first watching Highlander 30+ years ago? Sweet. It’s a Will Harris one? Even better. Thanks, Will. This was just what I needed today. You hit everything I’d want to hear about. Love his reading choices. The Ocean

It’s chaos. Be kind.

Flag him. This is part of the reason he was banned from io9 back when he called himself Jman. His whole comment history is a cesspool. He’s one of those creepy white people who use things like my skin color (and a host of other issues like people’s sexuality) as a cudgel to bludgeon others with in an effort to prop
