
Hey! I was hoping you were going to show up over here after the switch. You and Alien Jesus were the two I looked forward to seeing most.

And since I can’t count on someone to do it for sure anymore.....

In this time of uncertainty and upheaval at the AV Club it’s good to see some things never change.

No wonder there’s so many stories about the alt-right here. The staff looks like the literal poster boys for it.

You have to refresh the whole page for it to look different. And even then you should still give it a minute before after you edit before you do that. It does suck.

“Keep Me in Office for a While.”

Nope. So unless someone other than me starred you to bring you out and then unstarred you then it appears you’re all good and visible to everyone.

It’s not at all baseless. There are lots of comments trapped in the greys. If you see someone who says that but aren’t actually grey it’s because someone who’s followed by the blog responded to them and/or starred their comment which brings it out and makes it visible like the rest of them. But unless the AV Club

Nothing beats a bacon cheeseburger for me. I do like to switch up some of the topping depending on the place... chili, BBQ sauce, jalapenos, etc... Same with the sides. Seasoned fries, waffle cut, curly, steak, (no sweet potato!) tater tots... sometimes covered in chili and cheese. And then in Charleston, SC one of


That’s just because you don’t understand the proactive and outrageous paradigm that promotes corporate synergy here at Univision.

Me too. Bjork is just amazing in it. It had both David Morse (another I’ll watch in anything) and Peter. And that ending. Oldboy is probably the only other time I’ve seen a crowd come out at the end looking anywhere close to that dazed. Even Schindler’s List audiences looked more upbeat.

“Hey, Peter, can you act? We need a fucking background—we need an extra here.”

Thanks, dude. It was good to see you, Alien Jesus, Roc Kit, and quite a few other familiar faces (are you and I the only brown ones so far?) come over. I could’ve done without recognitions showing up, but you can’t win ‘em all. The comment numbers are way down though, but I guess that’s to be expected. I’ve been

I finally got followed so I’m out of the greys. I’m not sure I’d risk the merge after seeing what happened to so many. I kept my primary kinja separate and tried the merge path they lined out for creating a new burner, and it still didn’t work right for me and quite a few others. I’d have been pissed to have lost my

Yeah. I was just looking at that. 469 right now. But if you can’t sort them then really what’s the point? I mean go look at the thread on io9 which has more comments, but no one’s really digging through all of them. You can’t reorder them, and they aren’t in any order to begin with. You can’t collapse threads

I just a notification a few minutes ago that they followed me finally.

I just finally got mine! Free at last.

Someone who’s already followed starred me and brought me out of the grey almost immediately. This comment will probably look grey to you though. We stay grey by default until we get a notification that AV Club follows now us.