
Of course Emily becomes one of those blissfully ignorant retiree docents that try too hard and think that they're doing good work not realizing they're taking a paying job away from a grad student who'd be better at it… That's actually perfect Emily Gilmore logic. :)

Remember what a big to do Willow and Tara on Buffy were?

Yeah… that stuff bothered me. Jeez Rory, you're guaranteed a nice, cushy job close to your family that still affords you time to write as long as you get your masters which academic Rory would probably enjoy. yet she acts like taking it would be 'failing' at life.

So, I kind of liked it. But my biggest qualm:

He wasn't a super high number but high enough not to be a pariah. She pointed out very point blankly that he was getting those points from gaming which was pretty effortless for him and little different than her way . Basically, he's the guy who complains you're trying to hard to be liked when they're naturally just

I liked the touch of her taking a perfect bite of the cookie but not actually eating it for the picture. Because one must look healthy and perfect but never too much and it has to appear effortless.

or I'm just remembering an episode of Mad Men, ha

I would actually love it if they adressed the idea of having an antique money dealer on hand or hire antique clothes makers etc but it seems the show isn't sure yet if this is a trip of the week show where we set up a home command and go on adventures like Time Tunnel or if there's more to it.

perhaps people in my family are just cheap, lol. My grandpa once told me a story about getting a telegram from his sister announcing her first child born. basically it read, 'baby born. tell family. love Anne' When I brought up how weird the message was he told me the bit about how you paid for the message by the word

I don't know if anyone else brought it up. but didn't you pay for a telegram by the word? I kept laughing thinking that telegram has to cost a fortune plus he never put the 'stops' in between sentences. I half thought that was going to be the joke the telegram guy was going to do. But then, I've never sent a telegram.

I buy it more than in the books where she transfers to MIT in their engineering program (a college still not known to be lady friendly). My quick googling seems to point that Harvard and womens admittance is a bit complicated and I'm willing to bet a special privalage was given to the daughter of an esteemed long

She just has too many 'traits' but no personality. She can shoot better than her husband! She's an engineer who graduated from MIT (but sexism is only seen in that position when she takes a job in 1980) and she really only expresses these traits as the books goes on because with each passing book Gabaldan just

I'll defend the sexy. It seemed like one of those crazy heated in the moment passions that are only felt for the two experiencing it. Also, something that they might I'm be list in their own minds later on as being something more grandiose than it was.

I read a lot of the crazy and wonder if they ever reread it to themselves before they post. Some of the more loony ones just have me chortling

Eh, it's a politics game. that's why it's the same old same old every year. absolutely no reason Downton should still be getting noms but they must love Fellows. Same with Ryan Murphey produced shows. And boggles me House of Cards gets anything.

Ah… than I'm going with someone who auditions super well but doesn't do it so well in front of the camera and by that time you're stuck with them because budget can't recast that late in the game. I suspect that happened last season with Father Ansem and why they cut the scene down.

they shoot in Scotland- it might be a union thing plus it's easier to ask someone from the area to do a part rather than fly an American out, put her into a hotel, and ask her to be rather far from family or friends. Logistics.

I watch a lot of stuff made in the 60s- she seemed on par with teenagers of the era in those productions

I know several middle class Mass/Bostonians who recoil at the accent and purposefully shed it or noy adapted it. like not all Texans have a drawl. It's a bit of a class thing I think too.

only if she promises to cite her sources and use Chicago format