
the scene of Claire on the Lallybroch steps waiting for Jamie to come home when she knows for sure this time he won't undid me … and reciting the love poem was wonderful

first off: huh? Outlander didn't 'make the cut? I don't know website business well but this page gets better hits than others. I mean, I know GOT gets your most traffic but everything else is level so it seems odd that you'd cut off Outlander especially since I think what's coming is going to elevate this show high

I think the episode did well by that. yeah, Claire is right. Alex is dying, and Jack is too. Jack is entitled to widows benifits. it came across more pragmatic in that sense if anything else.

I love you

I'm sorry, but me too. I just wish shooting on water wasn't so expensive! I love old timey boat stuff!

oh but I do love the turtle soup scene. who doesn't like the turtle soup scene? honestly, I've harped on it before but I just hate the serial killer plot. god, I hate when she puts murder mysteries in Outlander books. I think I almost put the one book down when

I like the idea that they only reason they REALLY brought him back (they could've managed if he said no) was because they realized how awesome he is and how underutilized he was when they had him

I loved him. he was a fop! Like most men of his station! but still capable of such evil. I loved the privalaged, 'I can do anything I want' but oh dear I have never been without a servant ever evil, if that makes sense. him rushing to put on his wig when Jamie busted in was a genius acting choice. he refused to let

that's what I want. I come to the show wanting change. if it's word for word what's the point? But as long as I get my seafaring chapters. God I love a good old timey sea story. I'm assuming with a production company named Tall Ships I'll be getting my 18th century boat story at least!

Also, much like the Harry Potter adaptations, in general, where this show tends to flounder is when it tries too hard to be TOO true to the novels regardless of what the hard core book fans say. in cramming all the story in a book into one season much like HP crammed too much story into a movie in an attempt to do a

so I didn't have a chance to post yet. but how much I have loved the post Paris episodes. the foreshadow in the title sequence and Murtagh execution were wonderfully disgusting and brutal.

So weird! I saw the pic at work this afternoon and was all, 'omg! they look like paranormal investigators in a Hammer movie! Love it!' I showed it to a good friend who's also a fan and both of us were flipping out over how much we loved their costume/styling. go fig.

I keep wondering if these rabid Moore haters are just leftover pissed off BSG fans still angry over the last season bringing that baggage to the table. :p

this comment needs to be on every outlander post. ever

I liked the reason Jamie us such a good leader and advisor us because he's the only one out of the war council who knows anything about fighting in Scotkand. Brings home how little about this battle really has to do with Scotland

I have a friend who's English and we were discussing what our history lessons were like. He said this rebellion is up there with the Norman conquest as 'important history lessons for young people' there

I think she means the cutie from season one who tried to stick up for Claire and escorted her to the fort thinking she was in need of rescuing from the scots

I also disagree that Claire memory of this rising is 'freakishly good'. Back in the older years of British schooLing this was one of those bread and butter history lesson eras they dumb into your head, much like American school children probably know all the broad strokes of the revolution

yeah… it made be weird to be an original 'book fan' after I read them I loved them and went online to see who to chat with and immediately ran away. They were all super weird.

that hit me. I thought they'd both fall at Culloden together… I likedon't it though. even when you're on the winning side you lose men