
Could you be lactose intolerant? That’s what changed me from fairly regular to WTF WHERE’S THE TOILET?

Are you talking about The Devil Wears Prada? I haven’t read anything else by her and don’t know if any other movies were made.

I want to say yes so very badly.

And then lets go get a taco

Can he for this? Where I live tow trucks are considered an emergency service, and as such they cant refuse to help people.

So the guy who doesn’t like socialism tells someone to go to the government for support, and the guy who claims to be a Christian refuses to love his enemies and wears pride (one of the seven deadly sins) on his sleeve.

I'd name mine "Getoffmy."

I’m ashamed that they even pay our shitty men’s team. Seriously, give all of the money toward the women’s team. They fucking rock and generally seem to be good role models for little girls.

I take my slut pills because I had cramps that were so bad I would just be in the fetal position for 2 days straight. My mom had to take slut pills at 5o because she had an ovarian cyst rupture. My cousin had to take slut pills because she inexplicably fainted a lot and the slut pills have made it so she doesn’t faint

Meh. I get his point about campaign finance, but I find the fact that Sanders has ZERO women in the top ten highest paid positions on his campaign far more obscene.

What you’re failing to take into account is the hiring gap. This is the literal definition of the glass ceiling. If Marco Rubio and John “Every time I talk to a woman I say something stupid” Kasich can find qualified women, it cannot be impossible. He may pay women more on average, but if he’s unwilling to promote

Justin Smith, a 33-year-old campaign volunteer for Hillary Clinton in Charleston S.C., tattooed Clinton’s portrait on his leg because Clinton has been his “hero for 23 years.”

That’s a ridiculous argument. You don’t just hire any woman especially one you wouldn’t respect in a highly influential position of your campaign. One that can determine whether or not you sink or swim. You can definitely hire an intern or two that’s a woman or a minority if you want to fill a diversity quota though.

“See which jihadists have been viewing your profile: only $7.99 a month!”

I didn’t notice how much my birth control was lowering my sex drive until I went off of it for about two months and wanted to fuck EVERY SINGLE HUMAN. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Now that I’m back on it I get worked up maybe MAYBE once a week. But during that time when I wasn’t on the pill if somebody just looked at me I was

Steak sauce? Are you trolling or just a gross person?

Well, I'm 51—having no kids and for sure as hell ain't doing the deeply ghoulish and delusional thing of shacking up with some younger woman just have my decrepit, wrinkly, flabby old sperm possibly have a chance making a kid free of genetic defects—so this might appeal to me.

Ina Garten is one of the few old school Food Network stars I can stand. Besides making good food without histrionics, I like it when her husband rolls up in his 7-series like a real Hamptons Gangsta

The peppermint bark IS amazingly delicious and better than just about any other peppermint bark I've found from any other place.

You know what would really rake in some money for the airlines, and increase on-time performance? Kill the checked luggage fee, and charge for carry ons. Christ, if I have to wait behind another ass wipe whose carry on is the size of a full suitcase as they spend 10 minutes shoving it above the seat, I'll, I'll...