
“Women” do not go together, and certainly not in the workplace. “Girl” go together at nightclubs because girlfriends don’t want to leave girlfriends alone and have them be accosted by drunk guys.

This. Before I discovered I was lactose intolerant I thought it was normal to run to the toilet after a few sips of my morning coffee.

I was told I was a lesbian because I had short hair.

Maybe he has time traveled to the future when Warriors move to SF.

The movie was way better than the book. In the book she comes off really whiny and annoying.

Is that Matt leBlanc?

Is that a plate of butter they’re having with their bubbly?

This being Gawker, it would have been written if the dem was a Hillary supporter, but not Bernie.

Incorrect. If a private business refuses to serve a sandwich to someone because of their skin color they can get sued.

Am I the only one who honed in on the fact that this dude is anti-socialism but thinks the woman should call a gubbermint agency?

I would think all thing Will Farrel

She’s already got the hispanic vote, so that wouldn’t really help her.

Something tells me he won’t play ball, though. To be VEEP you need to know your place in the hierarchy and follow orders. I don’t see him following her orders.

Wow Theresa sure has aged from all the criminal activity.

Yup she had a shot of Crown Royal with a beer chaser.

I’m guessing you’re a dude based on your post.

I’m 45 and my generation built the internet into what it is today. Go screw yourselves Millenials!

Oh I hated it when that happened. Then you would have to dial back up and wait ten minutes to reconnect.

This. Our women’s team is *better* than the men’s so screw equal pay, we need to pay the women more!

You see people, Trump is indeed Making America Great Again (TM). He’s making America great by keeps dipshits like this guy from voting, not to mention blowing up the GOP.