
Well finally some things I have in common with Trump. All these bags of hot air deserved his come backs.

Exactly! After twenty some years working in a male-dominated field I see this sort of thing happening all the time. The excuse is often “Well there aren’t as many qualified women applying” but that’s BS. They are passing up on women because they are judging them before they even have a chance to prove themselves

Yeah seems like if you’ve had 23 years to think about something it’s unlikely you will change your mind on the 24th year, but then again this is Gawker which is anti-HRC.

Like I mentioned upstream, without experience level it’s hard to say which candidate fares better. For example, if someone is paying women on average more, but the women are more experienced, then whether or not the pay is fair depends on the experience to pay gap ratio.

Hmm ok, so you’re ok with making less than a peer because *someone else* is getting a salary? I don’t buy that.

No it does not make up for it, not if you’re a woman. If I’m getting a lower pay than a colleague simply because I’m a woman I’m not going to be like oh well, good thing that white 22-year old male intern is getting paid, woohoo!

I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump didn’t have a lot of staffers. His whole strategy is run your mouth, and let the media do its job.

The data would make more sense if age and experience level of employees was listed. For example, I make more than my peers whole are male in my company, but I have vastly more experience than they do, and only make a tiny bit more, so technically I am underpaid compared to them.

Well I kindda see their point. If you are a racist and simply use different words you are being politically correct. They don’t get the part about actually not *feeling* racist feelings and not *thinking* racist thoughts. They assume everyone is like them, racist at heart and just hiding it under their PC language.

To be fair, no one understands Trump’s policies. He wants to make America Great Again but how it’s not clear. He will build a wall and kick out Muslims, but then what?

A big difference is Perot actually got rich on his own, rather than burning threw daddy’s money a la Trump, and he wasn’t spewing racist bigoted shit.

There is a lot NOT being said that’s implied by supporters of each camp. Before anyone jumps down my throat, I am not defending either side.

This. I had the same problem years ago when I went on the pill. I had zero sex drive, which worked great as pregnancy prevention but was depressing as hell. Plus they tell you that you can’t drink on this drug which will also impact if I’m in the mood!

Khomeini died in 1989

Actually married men live longer than single men, so kindda does!

Tru Dat. I have tried peppermint bark from elsewhere and was gross.

I don't know what improper nut service is but I have once had improper ice service on a United international flight. I asked for ice with my drink and the flight attendant rolled her eyes at me and sighed. Would have gladly kicked her off the flight.

Ugh baby showers are the worst.

Have you ever driven in the rain in SoCal? I assure you self-driving cars are safer than many humans behind the wheell

Yeah it's called Brunch, or Day Trip to Napa.