
Nope, TamTams got it right - if I had looked it up before posting, I would have seen that at the moment, he still wants to use male pronouns. My mistake for not doing my research!

Yes, I was. I meant well but should have bothered to read what he wanted before posting that. Yikes!

Wow, that was really bad on my part. I should have read up on his preferences before jumping to conclusions like that. Thank you for clarifying!

My bad! I should’ve read up on his preferences before jumping to conclusions.

“If he says he’s a woman, then he’s a woman,” perennial presidential candidate Rick Santorum told Buzzfeed.

It happens to the best of us - don’t beat yourself up over it!

“Everybody wants a link that’s whyyyyyy”... Bobby, I love you for that.

Clearly you’re raising her right, that’s such a perfect response! How did the school administrator respond to that?


Can anyone figure out what his shirt is?

Don't worry - she'll tell you anyway!

Mainer here and yep, I sleep wicked nekkid!

Mind = blown.

Also, isn't the half the point of marriage counseling talking to a third party about how you're going to avoid whatever bothers you about your parents' marriages?

It's like a butt on her chest!

If only "Comment of the Day" were still around! I burst out laughing.

....I see whatcha did there!

I can haz Bossip link, plz Karyn?

that's dark :(