You remembered the recommendation from yesterday to put Shia’s and Yoko’s tweets together. You are WONDERFUL! <3
You remembered the recommendation from yesterday to put Shia’s and Yoko’s tweets together. You are WONDERFUL! <3
I’m upset that he doesn’t pronounce it “sore-y”. Isn’t he Canadian? Come on!!!!
I hope he does! What I would REALLY love, though, is a Sanders-Warren ticket.
Eh, I’m not sure - Maebe I’ll watch it ;)
Thank you thank you THANK YOU, Clover! I started watching this season and felt a little weird, like I shouldn’t be watching it, but I couldn’t help it. I was wondering who else on earth watched it (obvi someone must, otherwise it wouldn’t air)... glad to see that there are others out there who can’t seem to quit it!
There ought to be a carefully vetted test to accompany this - you take it when you’re sober, and then again when you’re drunk. Then you use the difference (or lack thereof) in your answers to determine which type you are! I would assume that I’m a Nutty Professor, but after following the link, apparently most people…
Yes, THANK YOU! I can’t bring myself to watch this because it feels intrusive. I’m sure she doesn’t want the world to see it.
Every time I see “Dame Helen Mirren” I accidentally read it as “Damn Helen Mirren.” Anyone else have that problem?
Taylor >>>>>> Katy
Whoever writes that shit up has to be seriously messed up in the head. I would certainly hope to never run into that person!
It’s more than a big bummer to them - it’s also an opportunity to forgive and become a better person, according to the Institute of Basic Life Principles.
I am intrigued and wish to know more....
I’m still in the greys here, but, I thought that they were soulless baby machines without feelings, right? Surely they’re doing fine and there was absolutely no pressure on them to forgive Josh.
Came here to say the same, and was glad to see this comment while scrolling through. This needs to be higher up and have MOAR STARZ!
Nope, TamTams got it right - if I had looked it up before posting, I would have seen that at the moment, he still wants to use male pronouns. My mistake for not doing my research!
Yes, I was. I meant well but should have bothered to read what he wanted before posting that. Yikes!
Wow, that was really bad on my part. I should have read up on his preferences before jumping to conclusions like that. Thank you for clarifying!