
hyperbole for the effect of humor

But what if sleep paralysis is just a convenient way to explain away truly paranormal experiences?

isn’t it nice how men don’t find that shit scary because strange men secretly observing them are not a daily terrifying threat to their existence

The bottom line is that you can deal with your super-conservative family however you’d like to. However, your SO is under no such obligation, and can set their own terms as to how much they can tolerate of that nonsense.

That last one is legit the scariest shit I’ve ever read.

auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhh noooooo that last one noooooooooooooo

Whyyyyy do there have to be so many menacing/creepy stranger posts... those are so genuinely terrifying, especially as I believe ghosts exist, but am not particularly frightened by them.

“Exotic” as a descriptor has been used so much by people when they ask me “what are you?” that it makes my skin crawl. I had a guy follow me two whole train car lengths asking me “what breed are you?” and me telling him to leave me alone. It’s not flattering and it’s not fun to spill out my ancestry to every Tom, Dick

Not sure there is any good way to tell someone you don’t find their kid as fascinating as they do...

There is no way you can ask without being an asshole. Just don’t.

I mean, it’s complicated. My parents gave me a wonderful childhood, but that was mostly because I was a child and didn’t understand that a lot of the things they did were not okay. Now, as a grownass woman, I have no relationship with them. This woman’s letter reads like something right out of my early relationship

LW1: Speaking from LOTS of experience here, anyone who treats your medical emergencies as an opportunity to go full throttle “everything must be about me!” is not your friend. Let her go.

To Lady With Child-Obsessed Friend: dump her. Think back—is this selfishness really new for her, or has she pulled this kinda crap before? (I’m betting the latter.) Her entire self-worth is wrapped up in being a mother, and that leaves no room for anyone else. It’s a good bet she’s never going to get better, because

LW3> Similar story, same villain, and I’ll tell you my thoughts.

My scariest in-my-face racist story? When my husband’s stepfather called me a “spic bitch” because I dared to confront him about inappropriate (sexist and racist) remarks he was making. He then threatened to beat the shit out of me. I was pregnant at the time.

It’s positively strange that Future Piglet-in-law’s boyfriend didn’t warn her about his father ahead of time. Did he try to do it subtly and she missed the warning signs—sometimes code words like “Old-fashioned” and “rough around the edges” are how people avoid calling out their loved ones as racist pigs. (Note: just

I’ve quickly learned (from Captain Awkward: go there right now if you’ve never been, I have grown so much as a person and a “bitch) that having a “script” of responses takes a lot of the pressure off. Next time potential FIL says something racist, look him in the eye, let the silence become just a bit uncomfortable,

Holy shit...did I just read ~good~ advice in this column this week? Weird!

One thing it took me a long time to learn in my 20s was that I don’t even actually WANT to be friends with a lot of people I used to know. They’re fine people, but their lifestyles diverged from mine and it turns out that simply living down the hall from someone for a year in college isn’t enough to sustain a