
As someone who also works with victims of child abuse and neglect, I really don’t know what Jezebel is trying to accomplish with this series. I’ve seen struggling (but well-intentioned) parents in the system that just needed some education and support to be truly great. However, all the parents interviewed so far in

“On more than one occasion, his foster mother told me that he got depressed after visits and acted out by being disrespectful or breaking his possessions. Those were little signs, she told me, that “maybe the visits aren’t such a good idea.” I felt that if he were allowed to see me more often, then it would not be so

A lot of men assume that a woman who says she was sexually harassed by a man is probably either exaggerating out of female hysteria (women...they’re soooo emotional!) or is lying for attention/fame/money.

Yep that’s exactly why.

That’s a great guess given Affleck co-wrote and directed it.

Bobby, the incredible, brilliant, incandescent Emma Thompson has something to say (Full 11 minute interview here.) She ties Trump into it, too.

Seriously. Since I doubt Weinstein will ever see jail time, I am perfectly content with him being convicted in the court of public opinion. Sometimes, that’s the only justice we have.

I’m wondering how many among us have been the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace? It has happened to me and I didn’t speak up about it which I regret.

This is the stuff that slows the momentum of movements and often ends up derailing them. We are seeing unrepentant rapists and molesters getting named and shamed, there are doubtless hundreds more to come and we’re going to waste time and energy over a joke that was made and apologized for 6 years ago?

I think middle-aged men see Trump as the living personification of their own stupider moments, which they don’t want to be held accountable for, so they defend him as a pre-emptive move to excuse their own behavior.

Jason Momoa apologized and made a documentary about rape. He apologized again. We can continue to flagellate him when he actually made progress/amends or we can actually bring the spotlight back onto a serious predator with current conversation we are all having. I suggest this dude:

It’s neither your skin color nor your gender that’s the problem. It’s your attitude.

It’s just hard when 1 article a day is basically, “White dudes suck.”

It is a flawless apology at least. None of this “sorry you were offended” fuckery. I am grateful he was able to clear this sadly low bar.

I was on a horrible schedule, where I was waking up around 2AM every night, and had started a routine where I would go out for coffee early in the morning; before jumping on my computer for work.

am told I am the problem because I am a white cis male

Right before I turned 21 I moved to a new city, transferred colleges, and got an apartment by myself. I picked a place out on the third story of a rambling old Victorian mansion - a modest studio with white metal cabinets from the 1950's and a rusted fire escape which always gave me bad feelings. It was metal, and

If that’s how you feel, fine.

I mean, i think the article is pretty specific. Its also about a white cis dude being emphatically not the problem.

And after thousands of people are dead and the killing tapers off, we’ll all read long-form pieces in The New Yorker about this, Netflix will produce a documentary on it, and a movie about it will win an oscar and everyone will say “Never again...”