
What annoys me is that people that make this argument are acting like there is some huge epidemic of trans girls wanting to play/do sports and thereby disadvantaging potential cis girl teammates and opponents. It’s alarmist.

Ben Affleck seems to have been the perfect choice for Nick in Gone Girl.

He is snarky, but when a writer from Bust, a small feminist magazine basically crashed his set asking for an interview, he graciously gave them an interview in which he talked about women in the restaurant industry, his favorite women chefs and raising his daughter as a feminist, in lieu of promoting his projects.

Ok so what we not gonna do is pretend that she has “fans on insta”. LEA WHY DID YOU CREATE A BURNER KINJA JUST BE TRUE TO URSELF

Cue him blaming his shitty behavior on drinking & drugs in 3, 2, 1...

Wow. Every troop is only as good as its leaders, and most of the leaders are well removed from any backwards thinking from the “powers that be.” I’m a progressive liberal and I have nothing but praise and admiration for the way the adult leaders run my son’s troop. There is no racism, bigotry, misogyny, anti-lgtbq

If you affirm trans people’s identities, you may be condemning ciswomen to just compete for second place if they’re competing against a transwoman.

I mean, your original comment wasn’t really TERFy, but this idea that sports participation should be locked to birth gender is. Also, “the body you have” ignores the huge difference long-term hormone treatment has on athletic performance. So, while I think Cyber Mind Grrl may have been a bit premature on the TERF

Haha, I can’t wait to watch the no-gluten-dairy-grains-or-GMOs othorexia set try to flip the coin between “but CALORIES” and “but GMO”.

Boys do need some kind of place to have positive masculinity modeled for them. Otherwise we get the scourge of toxic masculinity we’re dealing with today. I don’t like girls being left out either, but boys need support networks too.

Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster, and merit badge instructor here: This is fine.

Honestly, Scouting needs to be more inclusive if it wants to survive. The Mormon Church was unofficially running the show for a long time (hence the shitty track record towards the LGBTQ+ community), and only recently announced they

This is the same argument that the anti-trans people use when they propose the bathroom laws. The (cis) women need to be protected from those bad (cis) men who will pose as women! If you, or any of those people, could please offer some actual, credible examples where this has happened, that would be swell. My guess is

I read the article. The thing is, even if she was taking blockers, or was born a cis girl, you can’t say that she wouldn’t have won the race. That’s not something you can know.

What annoys me is that people that make this argument are acting like there is some huge epidemic of trans girls wanting to play/do sports and thereby disadvantaging potential cis girl teammates and opponents. It’s alarmist. Never mind that the proportion of trans individuals is very small, out trans individuals is

Actually, trans women who are still on testosterone blockers (as EVERY SINGLE TEENAGE TRANS GIRL WOULD BE) perform worse than cis women, because those blockers also make recovery, both short-term and long-term, harder. And Trans boys tend to have lower testosterone in their systems if they’re even on HRT, because for

Let’s see: the constant misgendering, the misinformation regarding allowing “boys” on girls’ teams, the claims of forcing children to be transgender, and that’s just based on what’s written here. I could actually look up more stuff, but you probably wouldn’t listen anyway.

Except that before puberty, there are no appreciable differences in performance, and usually for admission to competition the trans girl in question must either show that they are taking puberty blockers or estrogen. There is no innate, genetic-level difference between athletic performance in men vs women, it’s all

“This is really about fighting against a radical agenda to force the transgender identity on children in our schools.”

Good call, mr burns. It’s not as if having more surgeons would result in a net benefit for everyone. Who the fuck needs doctors trained in complex procedures, I’ve got google and webmd. Bootstraps all you selfish surgeons, bootstraps!

Except, it’s only women who suffer from having children during this time period. Men can have all the kids they want, because the whole field and process is built around their biological realities and the assumption they have a wifey at home to take care of everything else.