Did you mean Negative 6?
Did you mean Negative 6?
A 6?
We’re burning to the ground in California, and Trump tweets about the NFL.
That’s because we’ve pathologized toxic, white masculinity.
I wouldn’t object to that except that these books are an unhealthy example of BDSM and D/s relationships. The vanilla people who read them for a thrill (which is totally fine), get a really fucked up idea about the people who really are kinky. Also, the notion that kinky people are “damaged” is offensively pervasive…
Who wants to bet this book is just a way to excuse his behavior? Like, see, he really did have good intentions and Ana just misinterpreted everything!
I read like, a couple pages when her drivel first came out and rated it as a “Hard Pass”. The fact that it started as a Twilight fanfiction did not help it in the slightest. That people actually like this shit confuses me. That it got a movie deal makes me sad. That it makes people walk into adult toy stores looking…
I can’t wait for the next big author to be the person who does Fifty fanfic and then alters it enough that they can pass it off as their own work. The tradition will continue!
I mean, I get that logic, but I doubt it was applied equally in this judge’s sentencing. Something tells me he had no problem hardening black people in prison. I highly doubt if we look at this dude’s record, that he never sent anyone to prison.
How is it that you get more time in prison for watching videos of 12 year olds than actually kidnapping and raping a 12 year old?
1. His signature on a piece of paper is about as effective as a piece of paper known as a protection order. Which is to say, not at all.
If the rapist isn’t even seeking parental rights, how did this issue even begin? Is this administration just searching the system for single mothers on welfare and using judges to arbitrarily award biological fathers joint custody, all so that their welfare payments will decrease?!!! That adds a whole new level of…
It was a different time. You may not know this, but in 2008, we didn’t really know it was wrong to kidnap and rape children. Just like we didn’t know it was wrong to beat women until 2014. It’s been a very busy decade for us becoming “woken” and stuff.
Probably just made the short list for the next SCOTUS opening, given the way this administration is trending.
and then went out and fucking did it again!!!
There is so much WTF with this story but...
The people on the fucking porch...
The people on the porch quickly dispersed. Jordan says Oliver dragged her across the house to the bathroom and threw her into the tub, threatening to urinate on her: “I started screaming at him and the noise I was making concerned him enough that he yanked me out of the tub and told me he wouldn’t if I shut up.