
I don’t want to pile on this lady, but I just gotta say: if asking her husband to clean the litter box while she’s freaking pregnant elicits anything other than “of course dear”, let alone a fight, then there are problems. She can’t do it, it needs to be done, he’s the only other person available. This does not bode

Froggyfriendly, we are not hating on you- or at least most if us aren’t-but most of us are women and probably mothers and we know that if you think you can’t get on top of this cleaning situation now, it will be twice as bad when you’re taking care of a baby and cleaning up while trying to also keep it safe. Being

So you can’t answer a question either? I’m having a hard time believing you have a Ph.D.

You’re seriously advocating the government pay for a child’s great grandmother’s house to be cleaned so that the mom can go party her woes away. What the ever loving fuck.

Urine is in fact NOT sterile!!! Please do not repeat this myth. Even in healthy living organisms without UTIs there is a good deal of bacteria present before intone exits the body and comes into contact with skin and air. Urine is a bodily fluid and a health hazard. Watch some videos on the internet or if you are in

I’ve already hardened my heart against him. Don’t make me think about how darling he’d look in a peignoir.

I read this four times just to make sure I didn’t miss some justifiable reason for outrage and unfair treatment labels. Folks, your kids were taken away from you because you’re shitty, harmful, neglectful parents. What in the fucking fuck did I just read?

I can’t help but think of how my cackling aunt swore up and down that Kusher was a cross-dresser, and no one believed her because she’s admittedly a loony toon.

The person relating the first story also admits she purposefully lied to a psychologist that could have actually HELPED her, and insists that a judge said something that could get said judge removed from the bench, while glossing over the multiple CPS calls that were already made before this instance.

By her own admission it sounds as though CPS had her on their radar and she still did this.

“Kushner can’t even fill out the most basic paperwork without screwing it up, so it’s a mystery why anyone thinks he’s somehow going to bring peace to the Middle East.

No, the mom said her house was neat. She was accused of neglect for needlessly taking her kids from their clean house to the grandmother’s pigsty. Why in the world should the state send a housekeeper to your babysitter’s house to clean it just so you can go party all weekend? And, how long would this partying all

I think I know what you’re talking about. And I’ve seen this happen before on comment sections. Someone always says, “You know what. I grew up (blank). And beltings were culturally accepted in my family. I wouldn’t do it to my kids. But I wouldn’t have wanted to be taken away from my family.” And then someone always

Oh, he transitioned...

He really is the only one so far that seems to get it. He knows what he did wrong, but he also brings up a good point about how fathers are overlooked in the system.

If it is a dumpster fire, it is well deserved. I am a Black woman, 43, not affluent and survived various forms of abuse in childhood. I was raised by a single mother in generally poor, minority neighborhoods. These folks don’t get a pass from me.

No, the comment section correctly called out myopic naval gazing thinkpieces that apologised for child abuse. Jez should be absolutely ashamed for enabling this.

“By my second time in court, I also learned that the judge I had had a reputation for being tough. She expected parents to be accountable for their actions and address the issues that had brought them to her court.”

I’m kinda in the same boat, feelings wise.

You know what? I’m perfectly fine with the fact that people who have been convicted of neglect can’t get jobs caring for children and the elderly.