
Yeah, I completely get this? I just wrapped up a reallllllyyyyyyyyy shitty pregnancy and I have a lot of angst toward women who had no issues. It’s not rational, I know it’s not ~emotionally mature~, but dammit, I resent them just the same. If I had Kim’s fertility issues, and my 20-year-old sister got knocked up in

For serious, she has been open about her struggles on this and has had to watch everyone else have babies for years. I’m just gonna go ahead and be thrilled for her.

you know what, good for her! She wanted to have a baby for a long time. She is a grown woman who has lived her life and can afford it.

Days ago Hillary wrote that they should deploy the SNS Comfort and that Sec. Mattis and the Dept. of Defense needed to get the fuck on with it. I just keep thinking that if she were president, maybe the people who died today when a San Juan hospital generator ran out of diesel and their machines shut off, would still

The President is a FUCK head. Jeezus Christ this ignorant orange turd makes GWBush sound as erudite as William H. Buckley.

And then conveniently cut eye holes in and wear for their evening out to the nice cross burning.

Trump is the white sheet his supporters project their fantasies on.

and boats too. not possible

Never in my life have I felt so much visceral anger towards someone I’ve never met.

Everytime I read those tweets it sounds worse, the guy is such a heartless moron.

Trump joined the enterprise in 2008, promising to turn things around. He didn’t. In 2011, the club acquired more bonds to pay back previous bonds. The golf course filed for bankruptcy in 2015. Politifact reports that taxpayers footed its bill

“It’s a very big ocean.” Five words I do not expect to emanate from a grown man’s mouth when assessing a disaster.

I do think there’s a small difference between a photo of someone going naked in the great outdoors and a photo taking advantage of a wardrobe malfunction. That said, the rest of your comment is true: it’s not cool that phototogs sell these shots, but the only reason they’re worth anything is because people want to see

White privilege is randomly pulling out a firearm in a crowded room and the only response is applause.

Ugh, once again women are reminded they are pieces of meat for men’s violent, vicious pleasures.

I’m not sure they “fell for it” as much as fell in love with the idea of voting for a grossly and flamboyantly unqualified white man for President to prove a point about who’s in charge here. Trump is their way of saying “I can’t believe you made us suffer through two terms of a black president!!!1111"

Harry Knowles is a living definition of “neckbeard”

Kinja needs other options for flagging posts, and this makes me think one of them should be “I’m concerned for this poster’s mental health.”

You... You know, Howard’s not here... right?

He never wanted to be President - he wanted the ego stroke of being wanted to be President. His best case scenario was the actual opposite of what happened - he would have been THRILLED to win the popular vote and lose the Electoral College.