As was Tatianna. Roxxy should have been sent home instead. I literally screamed “That is some bullshit!” when that elimination happened.
As was Tatianna. Roxxy should have been sent home instead. I literally screamed “That is some bullshit!” when that elimination happened.
Katya was robbed in All Stars 2.
Also, you keep saying “maybe I’m wrong.” Ok, well, everyfuckingbody has pointed out that you are. So now is the time to stop doubling down.
I disagree with your reading of how she said it. I think she was dismissing the narrative that they were terrorist groups in her tone and the ‘I can’t remember what the other one was called’ comment.
I listened to THIS interview. Interesting that no one else agrees with you. The rest of us are hearing it as “terrorist group COMMA Black Lives Matter.” Or, even the fact that some people absolutely describe BLM as a terrorist group, but not that this woman describes it that way. No decent person thinks BLM is a…
Politics based on harming the marginalized is absolutely some bullshit that is more important than who changed your pampers. You must be pretty shallow not to understand that. If my father raped me am I supposed to get over it because he’s my dad? Fuck you and people who think like you.
Because white baby boomers are selfish, reactionary, ignorant, coddled, entitled canker sores who will have leached all of the resources from their parents, children, and grandchildren before they all shuffle off this mortal coil?
I mean, it makes sense when a white mom tells other white moms to fucking pay attention to what’s happening, because it’s happening to HER biracial babies.
Oof, that’s the sound of someone who has had the privilege of a parent who hasn’t emotionally, physically, or sexually abused you until you had to take the socially unacceptable step of protecting yourself by distancing yourself from them. You don’t owe your parents your love, fidelity, and respect if they never…
The thing here that made me particularly sad was that it sounds as if the son, despite the repeated digs at him and his beliefs, still was the one apologizing and trying to make things work.
Umm... while blood is literally thicker than water, the viscosity- in both the well-known colloquialism and its adaptation here- is metaphorical. But you already knew that, my disingenuous little troll.
I’ve been estranged from my father for 30 years. At first it was because he was physically and emotionally abusive, I turned 18 and moved out. He was trucking with Lyndon LaRouche when I was in high school but he’s moved into full on right wing conspiracy nutjob over the years and was yelling for State’s Rights while…
As the saying goes, “You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.”
What I don’t get is how the hell a Frenchwoman who’s parents were probably directly affected by WWII apparently sees nothing wrong with letting Nazis have free-reign to trample all over a government again.
Hint: thicker = importance.
I had a coworker who cut her parents off right after the election. She’s white, a lesbian in an interracial marriage (her wife is Latina). Her parents voted for 45. She was like “No, we will not be coming to your house for Thanksgiving, and I see no need for us to speak further.” She has 3 or 4 siblings who are like…
I didn’t find any article that said she called BLM a terrorist group.
I know it’s not shocking, but it’s heartbreaking to hear someone talk about how their own mother chose whiteness over their children. And wanting to take you to a step-family’s Thanksgiving? Just gross.
In his head it probably played out like a movie with Ms Bro stopping the funeral and telling everyone to be quiet so they could all huddle around the phone adoringly listenening to Trump